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Posts posted by 04DayTri

  1. I currently have a 4 month old full blooded female pittbull. She belonged to a co worker of my moms who couldn't keep her and was going to have to take her to a shelter if she wasn't gone today. I said I would take her until I found her a good home to avoid the shelter. She's very loving and well behaved around kids and other animals. My number is 740-602-0479 and currently in bowling green, Ohio if anyone wants to come by and see her or I can send pictures.

    I forgot to add that she is up to date on all her shots. Just had her flea and tick medicine and comes with 2 more months of the medicine.

  2. Lol at the half naked pic on a forum filled with mostly dudes. This isn't MySpace and no one cares what you look like with your shirt off........ And trying to fight ( even in the Internet) while on probation is a pretty smart idea. If your willing to do that then just drive over to said bully's house and punch him in the mouth lol problem solved

  3. I considered buying one a few years back because my apt didn't allow dogs. After talking to the pet store and doing some research I decided against it because I was told that they want constant attention and need to have a 2 nd one to be with. They also bond with there owners and become really attached to them really fast.

  4. I watch alot of college basketball but usually stick to OSU and some other big schools. But the times I have watched cincy ( all big games) Gates has been a beast. And I feel he will prob get the better of Sully although that doesn't guarantee cincy the win over OSU

  5. If you saw the cincy/Xavier game you should know yancy gates isn't one to pussy out lol. Since he cane back from suspension he has been damn near unstoppable. Sullenger on the other hand is very soft and plays to nice most of the time which kills me to say being and OSU fan and all

  6. The fact that cycle co did maintance work on it should throw up a red flag. That's where I got my first bike, made it half way home before the engine went to shit and they made zero effort to help me fix the bike, refund the money, or give suggestions. Took it to another mechanic and he said the engine had been ran to hell and by the looks of the back tire it was from burn outs and being stunted.

  7. Idk if they were there or not but a lot of people from the community and surrounding areas surrounded the churchy and locked arms in a show of unity and obstructing the view of anyone who may have wanted to protest it. The WBC is not full of rationale people so the fact they've never been to Ohio doesn't mean much

  8. Yea its definitely not a good feeling knowing that info is out there. My grandpa is a retired state trooper and fraud investigator though, so hes talking to some old co workers to see what can/needs to be done. At least they didnt send any money, but the 3 calls in 24 hours is a bit excessive

  9. My grandma said she checked the caller ID and it showed up as her house phone number. They also knew her and my grandpas name along with mine. When she told them it didnt sound like me they claimed to be sick/ have a sore throat.

  10. Has anyone heard of this or experienced it? Yesterday at about 10 am my grandma received a call from a person pretending to be me and saying the were in philledelphia and had went to a hockey game the night before and got drunk and arrested and needed $2200 to get out of jail. Thankfully my grandma knew it was not me and said it did not sound like me and hung up. But they have called back 2x's since then. You cant call them back because it shows up as your number on the caller ID, and cops said theres not much they can do

  11. As the previous owner of the bike I'm sorry to hear this. With that being said the ferrings were shark skinz, so I don't know whether bondo will be able to help or not but thought if toss it out there as I'm sure some one on here does know.

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