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Everything posted by Rhett

  1. You know whats worse than people calling the Cops on you, being 16 geting your "new to you car" (Del Sol) puting on I/H/E and flying down a road and then someone that knows your parent calling your house and leaving a message on the answering machine and your parents playing it when you walk in the door. but I was being stupid neway so I earned geting the keys taken away for a week.
  2. Wish I could 2 months till I'll be back in C-bus. What all ya got done to your RX7?
  3. so now do we need to add a "No screwing unbrella hole Zone" to the drug free school zone signs? http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd273/mgrimes554/Funny%20Pics/free-drug-zone.jpg
  4. +1 JB Weld for the win! No matter what the metal.
  5. Is it a better swap than a Type R swap? I ask cause I raced two diffrent hondas/acuras last year one was the Blue teg with the K20 swap (I/H/E) we raced from a 40 and I won By 3 lengths in my straight piped mustang (at the time) but after 120 he started flying up on me. Then I raced a Civic hatch with the typeR swap (I/H/E) and we raced from 40-100 and it was alot closer it seemed. Dont know if either had a tune or not. Is one just a bit bigger and stronger?
  6. Heard a rumor.... I heard they were closing QS&L???? I heard this from a that used to be on here, Anthony with the black SRT4. Is this true.... I thought it got good buisness. Let me know. Thanks -Rhett
  7. Went to change my avatar and took off my old one, and cant find where to add a new one. Please help..... I am prob just being a dumb ass. :asshole:
  8. QUESTION, it may be a dumb one. Is a wagon a bad thing? more/less weight? Opinions......
  9. Yea Im not going for the fastest car in C-bus or nething like that. Its just that Im geting ready to put a new mootor in my stang this summer and need something else that I can come out and play with. And I am also looking ahead for next winter (Stang not good in rain, screw snow). How are the moded WRXs in snow, any issues?
  10. Thanks the Insurance company is something I didnt think of I wonder if it will be bad with my GTand a STI?? Probs! I really would like to get an STI and just give it a tune and be done and have a fun Daily, but I dont know if I want to spend the money. Any one on here with a WRX regret not buying an STI?
  11. Im Looking at buying a good daily (for now) for when I get home in June. I am wanting 4WD or AWD. I have looked at Evos (more than I want to spend) and the VW R32 (idk if Im a fan.) So I have came to a WRX maybe an STI. So this is why I am asking you all for help. What is the Diffrence from a WRX and a STI (Engine, internals, tranny, electronics, break size) and if you were planning for in the future maybe a new turbo, motor build up with a tune would the STI be worth the extra money? What should I look for when buying one, what are the factory problem areas? And what would be the best thig to do after geting one just for a good upgrade, Intake, down pipe, exhaust, tune? Thanks for the help Im kinda new to Imports I only know Honda/Acura and Nissan.
  12. Rhett


    I Worked there befor joining the military and sometimes as a little extra income. Their "tactic" is to filter throught the bad credit, no credit, people and get to people who can seriously buy. and if ya cant "have a nice day", I think it is bad the way they treat people. Its all about numbers if you "up" 10 people a day (work with 10) you should sell 2 or 3 cars. No working there would I buy a car yea, but you have to check it out yourself the workers in service are a bunch of high school drop out stoners that will make a car look like its Cherry but its really a hunk of shit. Ive seen people get really good deals and ive seen people get fucked. Ex: paying $1,000 a month on a Suv that cost $35,000 for 7yrs thats $84,000 wich is a $4,000 commish for the sales bitch and the manager and almost $6,000 for the guy sitting behind the big desk. Just be careful when going there thats all. #1 Ricart, we're Steal'n!
  13. The Middle East is not suffering the same as you (Us) back in the states, Gas over here is $0.34 per gallon, what ya think about that. The oil companies are not suffering they are just fucking us in our ass. By the way for the people that dont know I am currently in Saudi Arabia, where we gtet 80% of our Fuel from. So who ever tells ya that the middle east is suffering, SLAP'em. -Rhett
  14. Sounds good, Have to wait till I get home in june bust first Open Track day when I get home I'll do it for $50. Can I cheat and use hood pins for all my Panels?
  15. Good deal, Thanks Rob we we can set the race up when I get back to the state.
  16. One of the creepiest things I have ever seen!
  17. Truck is BA!!! Welcome and hope to see that thing out soon!!
  18. Rhett

    hey guys

    welcome, What size motor is in it?
  19. Nice! There is another guy on here with a yellow SS, I guess He is going stage II for this summer. Talk to him hes looking for other cobalts, His name is Josh Starcher. Oh and Welcome
  20. Nice looking Cavi, did you ever got to Groves Rd?
  21. There isn't a Pic or a video in this post. I was wondering if any one could post it or send me the like to it? I heard a few people have either video or pics of the aftermath. Please Post or send link. Thanks
  22. We can push are cars for a 1/4 mile first one acroos the line wins for $100?
  23. Maybe In July, not the way the stang sits right now lol, will do for $50 when I get home. Motor to Motor?
  24. I edited the last post of mine, My bad had a brain fart. I am from the East side, Reynoldsburg Whitehall Area, Lived in the Hall till I was 18 and now Live in the Burg
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