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Posts posted by Rhett

  1. The funny thing is that the "old" guys here raced as much - and likely more - than any of the folks that are complaining about this site not racing.


    Priorities change. I didn't understand that 10 years ago. I do now.

    Were not complaining that they do not race race... I say again....

    Were not complaining that they do not race race


    Some are complaining that we do. Even tho most of us are abiding by the rules and not setting them up on here.

  2. Its a change in the direction of CR, I know this, it had/has to happen... I make jokes about it... but not once did I ever Bash CR or its Members for not Street Racing! It is a choice to Street Race, and if people dont make it thats fine. But dont Bash us for being the same as how most on here used to be. Hell most of us will be done by the time we are Thirty-Somethings. I am just on here for fun, I will find some races.. but they are set up in other places than CR. I am not trying to Say this Home is not good enough for me. I am just saying I need a two car garage and this only has one... so I am moving the other car some where else.
  3. The guy who spent years giving all of us a place to come hang out in one manner or another and for free I might ad, probably doesnt like to see all his hard work and generousity tossed aside because someone feels like they can make a better place or that due to circumstances beyond his control he has had to put limitations on what takes place on here. I wouldnt want to give someone a place to live and then have to hear them say my house isnt good enough either.


    How am I tossing the mans work aside, I still come out when I can, I go to meets... even tho I dont have a car right now. I am not trying to make a better place, I am trying to make a place for something CR does not want any more... that does not mean it will be better. I am not talking shit about CR, I have made a lot of friends on here, and most are great friends that I am very thankful for. You are a dumb fuck to think I am trying to out do any one or talking CR down... the ones who race on the streets are the ones getting talked down. Like we/they are dumb and low life's. I have yet to get one PM from any one saying my shit is out of line here. I PM's Ant about this... I cant believe this is what every one has to get worked up over. Damn.

  4. Too the OP


    Funny you can sit here and make that observation. Kinda easy to start a 1 sided arguement since there isn't a way to see how much time the lurkers browse the board and don't say a word....."just sayin"


    I feel no need to defend myself, nor should anyone else, people are on this board for so many reasons. Yes, a majority participate in a form of racing, or they don't have time because they are too busy keeping everyone elses race cars alive.....


    Kinda ballsy to make an accusation without considering any cirumstances...


    there is 6000+ people, how many have posted in the last month... year?

  5. I have been to the track 3 times in the past 2 weeks to race and a national event. I also plan on going to a track somewhere in Ohio this weekend to race.


    You guys can talk trash all you want on the internet, I will be at the starting line getting ready to put someone on the trailer.


    Who is talking trash?

  6. Te site in question will be open to any one, but if you are just a lurker and never race you will be removed... the "Senior Section" will be ALOT like race club...... Me and a few others have been discussing this for some time, and it will not be some cheap free site either.. it will be good for all involved. will prob have adds but is not that big of a deal.
  7. I cant believe people dont realize by now this is a more of a social site that although has its roots in racing and was formed during a time streetracing was more socially ignored yet still hold onto the myth that everyone here races.


    We know that this is not a site about racing any more, even tho the title is ColumbusRacing.... But there is still some who race. Or would the over all community prefer the racers to leave????


    What is sad is that this is the topic of the Summer, How this is no longer a racing site... no shit, if we couldnt tell by the lack of participation at car shows, track days and track day cancellations. We sure are reminded once a week on here.


    There is another site being built, which will be for racing, setting up racing. Will be by invite only, were just exploring options on how to go about it. Sooo I am sure we will be done talking about it sometime in the future.

  8. Yeah, wait... Phil and Paul are younger and cant really afford a car like Ray or company. But both are up for a race when ever and where ever... so make a better example. Paul will race you in what ever when ever track, street, dirt or even water... Phil he dosnt do the track much but I am sure he would go light to light with ya.
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