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Everything posted by Rhett

  1. Weather is looking good for MCIR Friday. You going to be there?
  2. I was waiting to see my mother in there, kinda glad I didnt. I will let you into my world for one min, In the last convo i had with my Birth Giver. After I confronted her on leaving me for dead 17years prior to pursue a life of drugs and prostitution she seriously said "Rhett, there is nothing wrong with sucking cock for crack god damn it!!" If I was to post pictures of her from High School she was Beautiful and now worse than most in these pictures. Shit is real.
  3. Dude walks around the house naked all the time, come here you can see it for free Phil, you homo!
  4. Word, you got your self a camera-man... just for the car thing. You can use a tripod for the porn lol
  5. I remember when we bought my ex, a 4dr 2006 Cobalt in 2008 for 9k with 21k miles.... just sayin I am sure a 5yr old car with 70k miles and about $3k-$4k in damages may be hard to get what you would call a reasonable offer for... just saying GL with sale!
  6. Not a big Honda fan, but this is Nasty!!!
  7. Rhett


    LoL, I am Rhett that used to have that blue Del Sol... then the Mustang how ya guys been?
  8. Thanks Linn, I know the trick about shooting behind the glass with it cracked so you can hear the motors and honks with a lot less wind noise.... but The Corvettes tint was so dark all you could see was headlight glare. My next video is going to be a lil better from MCIR. Now time to get a real camera and not a point and shoot lol
  9. Fuck You:nutkick:
  10. .... and a passenger side door.... Thing is pretty beat. GL!
  11. I am pretty sure the avg in C6Rob's Vette was 28+ on our trip to FL and back...
  12. Dont tell the poor guy lies, he may believe you and think he is wise, then he will destroy the youth by telling them he is wise, and they will then listen to the shit advice he gives. You are a contribution to the FAIL of the human race.
  13. Welcome, Nice intro. full body pics of car?
  14. Come on the kids retarded, look how much money he has in a v6 Mustang... tis tis
  15. Hmmm Rain can make the water levels higher.... wtf?
  16. Yeah, I just started using Mac's instead of Windows. Good/Bad Yeah, this is the cheapo version too We Do when we cant find a race. I mean like the dude with the bike, he had a "Real" race.. but the guy was not in the parking lot, fuck or in the state even lol
  17. Rhett


    Welcome? Junior ehh... By Chance did you used to work at Outback 161?
  18. Can we make this a fucking Sticky for how to change lanes and respond to improper lane change?
  19. Have I read this before....
  20. Rhett

    iPhone 4

    Ok, how much I want one screw this 3Gs
  21. http://www.streetfire.net/video/what-ya-wanna-do_2021369.htm
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