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Everything posted by Rhett

  1. Ok, A friend of mine does mechanic work on the side. He is a ODOT mechanic full time for the motorcycles used for the testing and safety courses. A guy came to him 3 years ago with a bunch of parts to build a Bike for him. It was a 750 frame, motor from a 1000 and a few other fun toys like air shifter, chrome wheels, pressurized swing arm and other things. He asked him to build the bike for him. During the process The guy who brought the parts was murdered, shot over some stupid gang shit. So my friend has a bad ass bike, no title... no owner. He tries to contact the family... nothing ever from them. A year goes by and he sells the bike. Now, 2.5 years from the death the family is wanting the money or the bike. He has neither. He was laid off recently and has no work. Is he responsible for the bike or money now? Please let me know. CLIFFS: Guy ask my friend to build BA bike, Guy is murdered. My friend has sold he bike year after trying to contact family. family now wants said bike or money. Its been 2.5 years since death.
  2. Lets get a slogan for the shirts! We need to Collect the money by the 15th to order them
  3. Tight song! Did any on else see LMFAO is here the 16th with Black Eyed Peas???? I think it would be kinda cool!
  4. Truth spoken by this man. Oh and no one cares about these gay ass chargers except for Police Departments.... :/
  5. I just purchased for our room..... A FUCKING STRIPPER POLE!!!!! So now we have, - DJ & Equipment - Stripper Pole - Party Rock Krew Alcohol, bitches, greatest time on earth are about to follow!!!!!
  6. Shirts are $10 Let me know what Ideas you have for slogans across the back!!!
  7. Shanton, I am a fan of the Art Work you find!! I will try to act out this scene there!
  8. Ok, So who all is going? Yes we have a thread for PRK@PCB but who is all going to be there? Post if You ARE going, not just wanting to go! Rhett
  9. We can now say "Next Month we will be sitting toes in the water, ass in the sand and cold beer in my hand!!!!" FUCK YEAH! MOTHER FUCKING SPRING BREAK!!!!!!
  10. It dosnt matter if were rolling with our dads money, or fucking $10 in our pocket!!! We will be the hardest partying mother fuckers down there!!!
  11. Yes Sir it was, I got to get the pictures all cleared from the people who may be considered guilty and then they will be up
  12. I am not going to lie, I am some what scared for what is about to happen... Road trip, beer, bitches, clubs,beach,tattoos, alcohol, drinking games, beer rifle, bongs... for beer, bitches, clubs, more bitches and clubs, getting drunk and lost, there will be a fight I am sure of it, hotel parties with the PRK in two hotels, I can wait!!! Fuck MTVu all Panama City Beach needs is PRK!!!!
  13. http://i493.photobucket.com/albums/rr294/steph_aniex923/panama_city_beach3_big.jpg
  14. Who is all in for shirts??? On the front will be traditional frat lettering in Greek for PRK. The Back will say Phi Rocka Kappa and the Slogan is, "We pregame harder than you party!" If there are enough people wanting them I will get them made and get prices out to ya'll
  15. Hit Dover up he is pretty knowledgeable on the logistics of it... Shanton on the other hand, has not clicked out of YouTube in 3 days lol He knows all the party info!
  16. This is nuts, I dont think we can party any harder than how we are about to.... there will be sooooo much shit. It will be intense, almost as intense as Gymkhanaing through our Alley in my jeep dodging obsticals like trash cans, buildings and poles lol. Whats after Spring Break End of Summer Party at the MGM Gran Las Vegas any one???..... hahahaha
  17. Brandon, Rob... My buddy is down text me and we will figure this all out.
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