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Everything posted by Rhett

  1. I whish that shit would pop of in a area of town with white folks armed to the teeth! They are shooting all crazy while whitey is taking slow aimed shots... bet you none of them knew how to reload either!
  2. True... I should get that on tape. Make for some great footage to send her mom and grandma!!! I love that I finally made it into a sig! lol
  3. So UPDATE: I have not talked to the fucking cunt anymore since I told her to get fucked (which she has probably already) But I did call home to my family... well the first thing the said was. We are glad to see you dropped that slut. Somehow they had heard the whole story before I even told them. And btw... Dover they are a BIG BIG Fan!!! LoL But so she is done!! But all I can say is glad the bitch is done with!!! A weight has been lifted. First good night sleep in a while!
  4. This fucking CUnt!!!!! So I was just informed she is going out with my uncle tonight.. he is like 36, and she has meet him once! But She needed some one to vent to.. But I guess Her mom, grandma, aunt, friends, girls, co-workers (Yes she now has a job... at BDubs Dublin, if interested... need not apply!).. she chooses my fucking family. Fuck this bitch!!! Some one handle my light work!
  5. I dont care... just wondering... prob some guy I dont know about lol... Oh well fuck it.. Dover I say there def needs to be a party on the 15th or 16th of Jan! If you get what i am saying bro!
  6. Well she is pissed about this... I didn't say shit... But she knows a few people off here... hmmm who told?
  7. Shes all yours Mopar... I am done with it as of about 10 min ago! She got a Dear John letter from Iraq.... As for the Friends I neglected while being with her (Shanton, Dover, Anthony, Andii, Rob) Sorry, I forgot the number one rule of Bros before Hoes... Andii... You can be a bro in this scenario
  8. umm, I dont know who the kid was, I wasnt paying shit till after a Maternity test tho!
  9. Yes, what does this have to do with this tho! I aint worried about finding ass!
  10. UPDATE: She was talking to Rob, then rob Pissed her off, so Anthony Makes out with her. Than the following weekend I sexorz her. Friday, Sunday, Mon, Tues, Wed she wont talk to me really... find out she was sexorzing with Dover, but tells him not to tell me cause she "really likes me", and told me not to tell any one because she didn't want Rob and Andii to hate her. So we keep it on the DL. But Dover being my boy.. i told him about this girl I was fucking.. and He was like "I know, I fucked her too!" I was like "what, when she was with Rob!?" "Nope Wed night"... So I was like "Peace bitch!" But somewhere down the line I fucked up and had her back over to my house. Well when i did that she never left was there for like a month. But it was all good because we got along well... except for when she would text other guys asking them if they still liked her or not. Then her EX wigger Boy friend calling me starting shit.. wich now he is threatening to kill me (yea, he is a winner!). Oh and when she drinks.. I have to carry her out of the bar... like seriously carry!! But as soon as I deploy she starts going out geting shitfaced and throwing up drunk. With I think another member on here... not going to throw the name out. And breaking little promises. All she has done is give me reasons not to trust her... so she is all pissed that we are fighting with shit she keeps starting. oh another 2 words about shit while I have been her :: Pregnancy & Miscarriage:: Dont think any body knew about that shit... But she is on her way out... she keeps making it worse and worse for herself, STAY TUNED MORE UPDATES TO FOLLOW!!! edit: I forgot to mention she is 19 and "just graduated high school"... she hasnt yet new info I found out before I left too!
  11. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a235/RhettMalo/Owned-1.jpg I will post the details and the story later, Full Story... it is juicy and for those few of you that know it, its good! EDIT: Will post cliffs and details later, story still developing. As Shanton would so well put it "we're doing it live!!"
  12. AR for Home defense... what about the innocent neighbors? Those fire for a good distance you know.
  13. Fuck the military... I sooo would have been there!!! Damn it! Oh well Last deployment for this guy! LoL
  14. +1 I used to own one, I liked it... except for the aiming system. The optic is cheap.. after a few hundred rounds or if the weapon falls over you have to re-zero it. Also if you left the optic on and put it in the case and were to go out and shoot.. deaqd batter + no iron sight =FAIL. So if you got a lfew more dollars to put towards a set of Iron sights and a better optic. Its a great m4 styled AR15 for the money. Oh and I bought my for $600 new but it was also pre election I would maybe move some on the price!
  15. A ZJ from yours truley.... Paul
  16. I saw this and was like... what an Idea... Buy kittens.. when they get old sell them Brilliant!!!
  17. I like it, had to turn down the volume everyone around me was looking at me like "wtf are you watching" lolz
  18. Thanks mang... at least she kept text me.... right? But the guy she is out with is on here so I am not to worried lol
  19. I hate being deployed, and geting a text from your Girl that says, "if your going to call do it now, I want to go to the bar" And when I call hearing "Oh hey, the guys I am going with are here ttyl" Fuck My Life!
  20. I havn't heard about this... LoL and I am in Baghdad right now and the damn computer wont let me watch it... But sound like a good watch lol!
  21. ^^^^^^ Rob aka Gearhead, with long hair and a gotee???
  22. Swing by Iraq and grab me... I am down!
  23. Netflix ftw, RedBox is also pretty handy since they are at like every speedway, and only $1
  24. and By ubber cheap you mean $55- $65???
  25. ummm.... dont ever drive up to Rickenbacker Main gate between 10pm-5am some guys with guns paid to guard the gate may be sleeping or playing xbox lol
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