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Everything posted by Rhett

  1. Rhett

    September 6th 2009

    So is being in Iraq a lame ass excuses??? LoL pissed I cant make it!
  2. So I leave for Iraq tomorrow morning and I am looking for a place to stay tonight around the East side for my place to crash after the druken super I am about to take part in. I am looking for a place for under $50 out the door... only need a single cause it will be me +1 Any Ideas would be awesome!!!!! Thanks!
  3. Tonight Panini's for UFC.... and my last shindig... I leave this Wend!!!
  4. Phil, this sounds like it may last longer than your lt1... so about a week and a half....
  5. Rhett

    Caption This....

    I bet Rhett could break into the low 13's with this in the Mustang! http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d178/lt1wagner/funny%20stuff/willitfit2.jpg
  6. Tim, the s2000 driver was a good man. I have known him since I was little. I went to school with his sister and have been good friends with the family for most of my life. Tim has always owned sporty little cars, his before this was a newer Mr2. As I know he never raced... I always would heckle him to race but he didnt want to lol... sad that a race is what killed him. Now has the name of the truck drivers been released?
  7. Family Owned Sunoco By the BW's in Reynoldsburg Has 94 but it is labeled as 93... they said they are going to keep ordering 94 as long as they can, and as long as it sows the "sale" sign on the pumps over the 93 its really 94
  8. There was still a few spots open... should have brought your shit... or was it in the same place it is now? Fucked up and not running.... how much money did you spend to fix that problem??? Still ain't fixed.
  9. I race off the track... this is known, so why would I hide behind that... the one night you and Paul Raced I was fucked up That is why my friend was driving and I was not. And then the other time I already had plans and was in Plain City Picking the girl up and then headed to the bar. So what if my shit ran a 13 whatever... at least my car saw the track this summer... Dick.
  10. Lets do it Phil! And Hiding behind my bitch how?
  11. Race from a dig or a roll....
  12. Any kind of job for a week or just a few days will be good!!! Please help if you can!
  13. Ok I couldnt get the shit to work. I gave Dover the SD card.. its in his hands now.
  14. It was right at the fitting... so I have no Idea... pressure was at about 1000psi so I dont know why it blew at the fitting. Sam, I know but it was "hidden"... its my fault for being a dumb ass lol
  15. So last night around 8:00pm Myself and my friend and the girl were going down Broad St near Mt Carmel East and well as some know my Nitrous bottle was mounted behind the passenger seat.Well the line coming from the nozzle on the bottle ruptured right at the fitting... I know this is a 1 in a million odds right. Well the bottle was open because I had just got done doing a run. and when it blew thank God and every saint that I was sitting at a red light. Because when it blew there was no small leak it instantly filled the car with the nitrous... I was able to get out of the car safely but the girl in the back seat couldnt... it was spraying directly at her... my buddy in the passanger seat tried to grab the bottle to pull it out or shut it off... he ended up getting serious burns down his arms... like instant blistering and today the skin is completly dead and black. While this was going on I was trying to help the girl out but mainly making sure she wasn't breathing any of it in. We got her out.. she probably was trapped in the car full of nitrous for about 5-10 seconds and did inhale a pretty good amount. But her breathing was fine when she calmed down and poison control said she would be fine. So we did not seek further medical attention. But the info on the lines were that they were old lines... I mean years old.. before me they belonged to Pete and I have had them for 3 years now. But the nitrous is done so if any one want to make an offer on the bottle, solinoids (2 no2, 1 fuel) and the jets (75 shot, 125 shot) let me know... I will also include the lines that are left, wich are only 3 or 4 years old.
  16. Rhett

    For Phail

  17. I say go fir it Dover.... "Yeah my bikes gay... wanna race for $1k??"
  18. Stand By... Up Loading now.
  19. I fought it... Got a 69 in a 65. It was a good day.
  20. So my military orders ended today till I go to Iraq on the first. I need a job till then.... I have done landscaping for the past3 summers. But the guy I did it for became a fire fighter and only mows 1 day a week. Some one able to help?
  21. I think she looks better with them. Her tattooed look is sexy in my book.... but I have low standards/morals some would say.
  22. You'll still loose....
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