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Everything posted by Rhett

  1. LOL... I hate you.. give me my car back... I will give you a _____ job!!!
  2. Epson 1080p Projector http://columbus.craigslist.org/ele/1226685703.html JVC Home Speaker System 1200watts http://columbus.craigslist.org/ele/1226719777.html Prices are the same as on CL Will trade both for a decent 600cc Sport Bike late 80's early 90's plus some cash maybe -Rhett
  3. Steve I hate you... wheels being black are not ricerish... ford makes stock black wheels... so is a domestic company rice??
  4. Rob, good try on the line.... but it only works if your paying for my shrimp ( my meal ticket)
  5. I have a long sofa couch looks like its from the 8o's lol... but clean always had plastic on it till this year... I have a blue cover on it now and it looks fine... make an offer...
  6. Rhett


    The beginning with all the icons was pretty sweet!! but the stuff in the end like the racing, rain, and bomb were insane... ups to this china mang!
  7. Dont want to hear it... Woke up at 4am yesterday for work... worked 5am till 3pm. went home ran errands, helped buddy with car. went to bar got home at 230am, showered, ate and was at work at 5am again today..... if you want to go... then go just gotta man up Just bustin ya balls
  8. Now I know... I can stop wondering!
  9. Wouldn't that be funny as hell if a new species appeared... prob wont... but would be funny!
  10. What Florida family would want season tickets to the Browns????
  11. I went to school with a dwarf, we were good friends and we ran across atage a chest bumped each other... his last name was MARCUM and mine MALO so I turned around and we did it... the crowed cheered and students laughed... but with our country's forward movement to communism what else can you expect!
  12. Rhett


    I was waiting for you to say something he was all over her... and he seemed like a tool
  13. Rhett


    LOL every time he hit on her you mean mugged the fuck out of him... she was wasted for sure tho
  14. Rhett


    Your girl, lol cock blocking... I asked her to lift up that girls skirt and then she told her that lol
  15. Rhett


    I wasn't there when you all were talking to them... I was upstairs but I came down and you and mike were planing on how you were going to talk to her a gain and mumble her name like "Hey (random Mumble) whats up?" lol But what was p with the cock block lol... I just remembered what happened lol
  16. Rhett


    He was dancing on the stage with all those girls in boy shorts.... and what was with Mike grabbing all those girls asses.... lol
  17. Rhett


    I know.. it was bull shit!!! No I got some Jolly Pirate Doughnuts, went home, showered and came to work.... it is going to be a long ass day lol... but my question is... how in the hell did I spend $40 on $.50 pitcher night... how many shots did I buy? How many Pitchers did you, Phil, Mike and me drink... Phone is in sig... but here it is again 205.9757
  18. no bunny ears lol... have a 58" 1080p and nothing lol... used to have it... but crazy expensive
  19. Rhett


    that is like the oddest thing ever... a man in a tutu with a slung M16GAU... weird...
  20. Jeffro... Put $50 on it that I will run faster than you.... if my shit doesn't break
  21. Rhett

    Ticket help?

    I got my 113 in a 65, did not get reckless... got a lawyer to fight it, pleaded not guilty... went to second court date... cop showed up... judge didn't give me any lee way... had to pay full fine, court fees, and $400 for a lawyer who didn't do jack shit! So Good Luck with what ever you do... but there is no sure way of geting out of it...
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