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myhondas last won the day on January 12 2016

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About myhondas

  • Birthday 05/22/1950

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    Cleveland Hts. Ohio
  • Vehicles(s)
    96VF750CD, 83VF1100C, 74 CB750K4, 65 C100 Cub

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  1. I have a sign & engraving co. I just need to know what exactly is needed to be able to possibly do the work. A Sign for the Times, Inc. www.asignforthetimes.com
  2. We need to secure our borders...both South and North...
  3. So this is for those that went to the show..... What did you think of the content? What did you think of the show overall? Was it worth the cost of admission and parking? What would you suggest to the management to include next year? General comments and opinions ???
  4. Not really, I have been at the show for the last 8 years as a member of the VJMC and the AMA's History of Motorcycles. But this year there are new owners of the show that insisted that EVERYONE had to sign a contract with the show. No non-profit club has ever had to do that in the last 15 years with the previous owners. Failure to display the # of bikes that the exhibitor stated ahead of time in the contract that they intended to show would or could be a contract breach of the contract and would / could result in a fine/fee of up to $10,000 per show contract. This was at each and every IMS show this year. Our club could be hit with up to $70,000 liability. Wasn't going to happen and so there are a lot of exhibitors that are not going to be at any of the IMS shows this year. Maybe next year they will come to their senses, but I really doubt it. The show has been getting smaller and smaller each year and more and more of the vendors are not even bike related. Ticket cost has been going up and now even the parking fee has increased to the point that it has been financially prohibitive for a family of four to attend. That doesn't even include the travel expense for someone not in this area...i.e. Columbus, Cincinnati, Dayton.
  5. I wouldn't waste my time or $ on the show ....but that's your decision to make.
  6. FN SCAR 16 is a viable option. WW I & WW II & Korea we were caring 30.06 and .45 and some .30 carbine. Viet Nam was 7.62 & 5.56 and now pretty much everything is 5.56 with a little 7.62 in there.....Each time they went to lighten the ammo load on the grunt in the field. I wouldn't be a bit surprised if they considered the 5.7 in both pistol and rifle....but I don’t see them going back to the 7.62 as the main caliber.
  7. P320 will be a remarkable improvement over the M9 POS. And I agree with you on the modular rifle concept also....but I don't see them moving away from the 5.56 anytime in the next decade or two. First question is what would you want to replace it with????
  8. Everything about the show is getting smaller and less relevant today. There are new owners of the show and it seems like that they are not in tune with the industry. Looks like they are just looking to make a buck and quickly. Don’t see any clubs presence in their list of exhibitors. I don’t give the show much of a chance of continuing many more years if they keep their present policies in place. Fewer exhibitors and fewer attendees will increase the cost for all concerned.
  9. The documents contained in the BuzzFeed report are unverified, and they allege that Trump hired prostitutes to urinate on a bed in a Russian hotel that Obama once slept in because Trump hates Obama so much. The documents also make that claim the Kremlin holds sexual blackmail material on Trump, which they would ostensibly use to control him during his tenure in the White House. The explosive charges haven’t been confirmed and aren’t even believable, yet CNN, BuzzFeed and Cosmopolitan all ran with them anyway, likely because of their blind hatred for the incoming president. But as it turns out, the entire story was merely a scam from a 4chan user attempting to troll the anti-Trump crowd, and they were wildly successful. Political hacks emailed documents to #NeverTrump jackass Rick Wilson about Trump making people piss on a bed. Rick Wilson thought it was real and gave it to leftists at the CIA The CIA of the USA put this in their official classified intelligence report on Russian involvement in the US election Donald Trump and Obama were both given private sessions with the CIA to discuss this. The CIA concluded that the Russians plan to blackmail Trump with this story we made up
  10. Is this for home+shooting or for ccw edc?
  11. So having over 35 years go by without doing it, I have just gotten back into the reloading mode. Updated the old Rock Chucker Press with a new Rock Chucker Supreme single stage one. Went out and ebay ordered the Speer Reloading Manual #14. Have some old powder (Bullseye pistol, IMR4064) and bought some new Bullseye. Trying to get some new IMR 4064, Blue Dot, & 2400. Mostly going to reload the following calibers: 9mm, 38special, .357magnum, .45ACP, .30 Carbine, .223/5.56, .308/7.62, 30.06. So far, I have only reloaded a handful of 38 & 357. I don't see many problems with the straight wall reloading with the exception of some of the 9mm where it looks like there is a primer lining or a crimp ring in the primer pocket which makes priming with a new one difficult and hard on the primer arm. Also, I have been corncob tumbling the used brass and wonder how to clean the interior of the casing of the residue after tumbling. Is there an easy way to "wash" the brass? One thing I will say is that RCBS is fantastic for their customer service. I somehow lost the expander plug in the die for the 38/357 and they are sending one out free of charge. I expected to pay for it, but they stated that it is warranty so no charge. WOW! Price of ammo is low these days with some exceptions, but I wanted to have the ability to save a little more with the reloading. Plus it eliminates the necessity of relying on stores for purchasing ammo when there are shortages. Really looking for any suggestions, opinions, and useful helpful info to get me back into the swing of things.
  12. The VJMC (Vintage Japanese Motorcycle Club) will not be represented this year at any of the shows around the country. Seems that the new owners of the show demand a contract from ALL exhibitors including non-profit clubs. If they don't exhibit all of their listed bikes, they are subject to penalties of up to $10,000. What a crock of crap that is. A non-profit club would expose themselves to fiscal demise. Let the show people know that this is not a intelligent course of action on their part. I am not sure how many other non-profits are passing on the IMC shows, but I would assume that there will be others. I an not even going to go and give them any of my hard earned cash if they treat their exhibitors like that. But then again, the show has been getting smaller each year and costlier for both the participants and the general public. At this rate, I don't see them surviving for too many more years.
  13. is it still there and I am just not seeing it or is it gone now?
  14. What happened to one of my favorite time wasters forums.....NSFW. No longer see it at bottom of the forum sites.
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