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Posts posted by jerben

  1. Was there anyone else like myself stupid enough to waste $14 to get into Cyclefest at the Expo center this past weekend?

    Talk about a rip off. There was maybe three dozen bikes to look at. There were more vendors wanting to redo my basement and sell me miracle diets than to sell me bike stuff. I think I spent a whole 45 minutes walking through. On top of all that, they wanted an additional $5 to have Kim Coates (Tig of Sons of Anarchy) sign autographs.

    Bring on Easyriders. Ugh. :mad:

  2. Here's the question I always ask in these situations....if it's truly CONCEALED, who the hell is going to know besides the guy (or gal) carrying the damn thing??? I carry all the time and never have anybody question it because they don't see it.

  3. The law says that you have to yield the right of way when exiting a private drive onto the main roadway. I had that happen to me as I was exiting a drive to turn left onto the roadway when two cars to my left stopped to let me out. As I inched forward a car in the left-turn lane from the same direction struck the front of my vehicle. My fault and I got a citation. Oh, and I was driving a marked police cruiser. Yep, you read that right. People trying to be nice to the cop in the traffic jam got me jammed. Oh, and I got a write up to boot. I knew better from all the cites I'd written for the exact same thing over the years.

  4. By Jim Woods

    The Columbus Dispatch Tuesday October 25, 2011 9:20 PM

    A Marion man died this morning when his motorcycle crashed into the side of a trailer being pulled by a pickup near the Alum Creek Reservoir in Delaware County.

    David L. Grounds, 42, died at Grant Medical Center in Columbus after he was flown there by helicopter.

    Grounds was driving the motorcycle south on S. Old State Road just before 11 a.m. when he failed to stop at the stop sign for Cheshire Road and struck the side of a westbound truck and trailer, the State Highway Patrol.

    Roy G. Duffey, 54, the driver of the truck, and his passenger were not hurt, the patrol said.

    Grounds wore a helmet and Duffey and his passenger were wearing seat belts. The patrol is still investigating.

  5. As I walk through the valley where I harvest my grain

    I take a look at my wife and realize she's very plain

    But that's just perfect for an Amish like me

    You know I shun fancy things like electricity

    At 4:30 in the mornin' I'm milking cows

    Jedediah feeds the chickens and Jacob plows, fool

    And I've been milking and plowing so long that

    Even Ezekial thinks that my mind is gone

    I'm a man of the land, I'm into discipline

    Got a bible in my hand and a beard on my chin

    But if I finish all of my chores, and you finish thine

    Then tonight we're going to party like it's 1699

    We've been spending most our lives living in an Amish paradise

    I churn butter once or twice, living in an Amish paradise

    It's hard work and sacrifice, living in an Amish paradise

    We sell quilts at discount price, living in an Amish paradise

    A local boy kicked me in the butt last week

    I just smiled at him, and I turned the other cheek

    I really don't care, in fact I wish him well

    'Cause I'll be laughin' my head off when he's burnin' in hell

    But I ain't never punched a tourist even if he deserved it

    An Amish with a 'tude, you know that's unheard of

    I never wear buttons, but I got a cool hat

    And my homies agree I really look good in black, fool

    If you come to visit, you'll be bored to tears

    We haven't even payed the phone bill in 300 years

    But we ain't really quaint, so please don't point and stare

    We're just technologically impaired

    There's no phone, no lights, no motorcars, not a single luxury

    Like Robonson Crusoe, it's as primitive as can be

    We've been spending most our lives living in an Amish paradise

    We're just plain and simple guys, living in an Amish paradise

    There's no time for sin and vice, living in an Amish paradise

    We don't fight, we all play nice, living in an Amish paradise

    Hitchin' up the buggy, churnin' lots of butter

    Raised a barn on Monday, soon I'll raise a nutter

    Think you're really righteous? Think you're pure in heart?

    Well, I know, I'm a million times as humble as thou art

    I'm the pioust guy the little Amletts want to be like

    On my knees day and night scoring points for the afterlife

    So don't be vain, and don't be whiney

    Or else my brother might have to get medieval on your hiney

    We've been spending most our lives living in an Amish paradise

    We're all crazy Mennonites, living in an Amish paradise

    There's no cops or traffic lights, living in an Amish paradise

    But you'd probably think it bites, living in an Amish paradise


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