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Posts posted by Decimation

  1. Go into the valley like you're coming from Streetsboro off of 303. Once you get into the valley and pass the Winking Lizard, turn right onto the "byway". There's a blue sign posted that says some crap like "America's Byways lololol", or something. It's down about a mile and a half into the road.

  2. I don't know...I guess I'm just a picky faggot. I learned how to ride on that bike. It just seems like I lost some power in it. I meant to ask you about that issue, Isaac's Papa. It's making a weird throaty noise and someone told me that it may be an EXUP issue. I'm positive it isn't in my head, because I know what it sounded like before.

  3. I've done a few aesthetic things with my bike, now my next thing is to add something to the mechanics. I've got a few ideas, but some words of advice from the experienced guys would be sound volume. On my list, I have:

    K&N Racing Filter (K&N advises not using this unless your bike is "tuned for racing". Is it really that big of an issue?)

    Sprockets (Not sure what to do; I want more torque and sacrificing top speed doesn't bother me)

    Power Commander? (I was told that Power Commanders don't make much of a difference on the newer R6s?)

    I'm not really sure what else I could do. I'm not trying to make a straight-line warrior, but I would like to have some more acceleration. As I said, sacrificing top speed isn't an issue because I don't plan on going 150-170 mph on the road, any time soon. Any help would be great.

    Also, while I'm here, how far past the "wear indicator" on your tires can you generally go? I'm pretty much on the indicator, but there are still some "valleys" in the treads. They seem fine to me.

  4. You are doing clutchless down shifts?????!!!!!

    Clutchless up shifts aren't going to wear anything prematurely if done right. If you keep hammering the lever and it isn't going in, as serp stated, it can bend a shift fork...

    Clutchless down shifts are something nobody does that I know of. I have heard of people doing it, but it is something that WOULD cause wear due to how much strain there is on the down shift side of things... Motor is revving higher when going down a gear and with constant mesh, it is almost destroying the tranny each time IF you can actually get that done...

    Up shifting is easy due to the fact that the motor is not revving higher. It drops even slightly for the guys with quick shifters. Essentially, that's exactly what a quick shifter does - cuts the motor out ever so quickly to get that next gear...

    To the OP, if wanting to "blip the throttle" before an upshift, it is not needed and actually a waste of time. As Serp stated also, only unless you are racing, should the revs be to redline and so high. But, to be quick, blips are not needed. Quick off the throttle, shift on the gas is fine enough... No extra rev needed.

    On downshifts, for sure, a blip is best. Tries to match the RPMs to allow a smooth downshift. Again, the revs are higher going down a gear and that blip allows for it to be closer and smoother...

    You lost me when you said that I don't need to "blip" the throttle to upshift without the clutch. Basically you're telling me that I can just pre-load the shifter as the RPMs are rising? I don't see how that would work...of course, I've never tried it.

  5. Shifting without the clutch is actually really smooth on my bike. I mean, it is a newer bike, and I haven't had much experience with other bikes. I can only really speak for myself. It almost feels like the thing runs better when I don't upshift with the clutch. I was having power issuess with it until the other day when I decided to "open it up" a little bit more than usual. I was banging through gears without the clutch all night and now it seems happier to let me ride it. feelsgoodman

  6. Can you shift from 1st to 2nd without the clutch? I normally shift to 2nd with the clutch and then pre-load the rest of the gears. I'm nervous that you can't shift past neutral without the clutch, so I don't screw with it.

    Also, on the track with a stock 08 R6, what should my RPM to Shifting ratios be around? I'm not really schooled up on gearing. I normally just shift at 6k RPM when I'm just out on the road. It's obviously different when you're trying to get going quicker.


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