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Everything posted by DarkLoki

  1. Chachi said this on twitter on april 25th, of course it's speculative if it's his own quote or not but this sticks with me in that earry type of way but he said "Dont analyze people. The easiest way to help them is to assume they're not loved & love them. The rest is ego, projection & b.s." http://twitter.com/chachi1189 Kinda deep isn't it
  2. Yeah sorry if it looks like I was blaming someone, and really with incidents like these there is no one to blame, and we shouldn't look for someone to blame either. It's really about reflecting, and I was merely suggesting that we should all reflect on a few things, and perhaps just have that moment of silence. It's surreal to think that you or I can impact ones life, but it's true and I think it's something many of us (Including Myself) often take for granted. In life as with everything it's more about the reaction I feel rather then the actual action of any particular event. It's what defines you as a person and what will ultimately remain. A good example of what I mean exactly would be if you've been wronged, how are you going to respond to it? And often those are the final words or final actions and we won't even realize it.
  3. As a close friend to Chachi it breaks my heart to read this thread in it's entirety and to know that he ended it all nearly 20 days later. Some of the comments in here are somehwat inspiring and somewhat off but I suppose no one knew what was in store down the road. I wish things could have ended differently but it's just awful sometimes. It just Breaks my heart to see Chachi somewhat reaching out here, and knowing what happens a few days down the road, it just really breaks my heart and spirit to see it diminish for him like that. I wish I could have done something, nearly 15 days later, http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=62710&highlight=chachi
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