The bike is a pretty nice bike and in good condition for its year. It does get attention, but I also doubt someone would want to steal it as well. Just being cautious. You have to take into note that I live in Westerville, which barely has a theft rate. That video is pretty insane but if people saw someone do that, they wouldn't get away with it. What would be the best way to prevent theft if, for some reason, someone decides to take my bike? Is there a way? Do you think the Lock and Padlock would be sufficient enough in my area? We found it at a garage sale, not running, had been sitting for 7 years, and it was $250. We spent money on a new battery, some body filler for the cracked fairing, and just cleaned the fuel systems and made sure the cylinders weren't seized to the wall and put oil in it. It ran, I rode it