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Everything posted by Habi

  1. You did! Now we will have to do it all over again so you can join!!
  2. Yep, tank bag worked out well. Big enough for monsters and snacks but could have held on to my sunglasses I set on top of it and lost a bit better.
  3. Just let me know when the ride is or hell if your not and need someone to help get rid of some beer!
  4. ^ I wasn't sure about riding that on Saturday as well but so glad I did. We hit some nice roads that day. Topping it off with the skyway was a good way to end the weekend riding as well (even though it was speed trapped).
  5. So glad I made this trip. Good to see familiar faces and meet lots of new ones. Oh, and riding kick ass roads over the last few days was fun too!
  6. I guess you have to love the great lakes to enjoy Michigan. I loved it up there. The snowmobiling in the winter is crazy and the lakes are clean and clear, at least when I was there. They just have a shitty college up there that isn't called OSU I have more OSU in me than most and I still enjoy the place.
  7. Yeah, I don't care either way. IHOP in picktown in 10 min from me so that wouldn't be an issue other than the shitty traffic at that time on 256.
  8. Charlevoix is a really nice town. I almost moved up there a few years ago for a job at the local hospital.
  9. First Those z1000's are naked for a reason!
  10. I would think you would want 190's. The PR2's will be great in the twisties though. I never lacked confidence with them at all. I just needed to feel a fresh set of powers again! They just beg to be leaned on, and the gap will be perfect to do that!
  11. Ryan is the man! New powers on mine last weekend to replace the worn PR2's I had. My rear was a bit more worn than yours though. They will look nice sitting next to yours in the trailer next week
  12. Habi

    Fallin Rider

    Sorry to hear anything like this. Prayers to the family.
  13. Just buy motox knee guards. They will give you the protection, stay in place, and are cheap.
  14. PM hoblick. He has some in stock at great prices and is awesome to deal with.
  15. Come on guys, everyone knows gear weights you down. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GlUUtxai33U
  16. Habi

    Need Stator

    I ordered one from ebay last fall. Haven't had any issues with it but don' t remember the make and it wasn't OEM.
  17. I might be able to make it but not until 1 or so? little one is graduating pre-school at 11. Probably a bit late for a SE ride.
  18. There was an article in Motorcyclist not that long ago about the current version of the FZ1 not handing the best. Then they went on to talk about someone who upgraded the suspension and a ton of other shit and was tracking the shit out of it. A nice ohlins suspension would probably go a long way.
  19. Habi


    Wow sorry to hear this man! Heal up fast and well.
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