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Everything posted by Habi

  1. I just emailed them to see if they are doing the GC special again. I thought I remember getting an email about this back in Oct saying they were but?
  2. Habi

    GSXR Recall

    This recall was a bit crazy since it is a concern over NEVER changing brake fluid.
  3. Thirds. I will give 1k50
  4. Habi

    2014 Gap trip

    Will be in as usual.
  5. I just use motion pro spoons and one of the many $60 balancers. I don't mind the work and the tools paid for themselves in one year.
  6. I didn't know you could ride moose? Any laws against this that I should know of before I join?
  7. Rode chestnut 2x this week. Fun stuff. Should have picked up a ride a while ago.
  8. That's cause I picked it up with some dealing. Its not all shiney but rode nice and gets me started. Trek 4300.
  9. http://columbus.craigslist.org/bik/4115515629.html Is this trek worth 150? Looking for entry level mtn bike.
  10. Sounds like a private day would be best. Three track days is a physical weekend
  11. I'd be down for a Jennings trip!
  12. No mention of their near billion dollar ruling against them last week? They are just as crooked as the rest of the banks. Not sure there is anything that wouldn't be expected going on here.
  13. Wow! What a nice bank. They paid out millions so the other banks didn't feel bad. Makes perfect business sense to me?
  14. Habi


    Could have been warmer but I won't complain to much.
  15. Habi


    Yep just got to KFC.
  16. Habi


    I will be there.
  17. Habi


    I'm game for that blitz.
  18. Habi


    I'm in for after noon.
  19. Habi


    Hoping to make it out one of those days. Sunday?
  20. Keeping up with that scoot is no joke! The fun part was watching peoples faces as it passed them.
  21. It was a blast keeping up with that scooter on the dragon...I also enjoyed passing it on the gixxer. However, bragging about passing a scooter isn't all that I suppose Scooters rock. If you can't handle a scooter you have other issues.
  22. Congrats! Enjoy you time and fly safe.
  23. Habi

    8/30 Central Ride

    Well I figure its a long shot for a Friday. Only day I can get out over the weekend though.
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