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Posts posted by undr_psi

  1. i used to lift in high school alot, but got a job stocking drywall after i graduated so i quit. i just started again at lifestyle. i wouldnt call my self serious at this point but it would be nice to lift with somone that knows whats theyre doing. so Hal if you ever want company let me know
  2. yup, she said we were living two diffrent lives. she was partying and shit all the time, and since i have to work at 6am, i couldnt go out with her much on the weekdays. i went on vacation and she started haingout with this discount tire fuck and his bad ass 3kgt..which she made a point to call me and tell me how sexy and fast his car was..i get back and she wants " a break" she dumped me over the phone a week later, and my dude called and said she was making out with dick bag at a party..im not sure how a chick can be with you for that long and say she loves you and all that shit and make out with somone less then a week after droping you like a bad habbit.


    ps my talon would eat that POS na 3kgt

  3. not sure if its a good thing or not, lol but if it makes ya feel any better i got the shit can last week after 2 years with alicia....for another guy...who drives a white 3KGT...FUCKERS!!!! i swear to go every one i know is getting dumped and shit.. its like some fucking twisted version of spring cleaning. and no..no nudes i got pissed and deleated every picture i had..sorry boys.



    ok im done venting for now

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