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Everything posted by undr_psi

  1. anything going on tonite?
  2. undr_psi


    Status: Connecting ... Status: Looking for a guide ... Status: Connected to guide: April(25813) April(25813): Welcome to ChaCha! You: well thank you, hows your day? April(25813): Hi there, mine is great, thank you! Looking for info on STDs? Any in particular? You: well im not really sure, you see i was at this party and hooked up with this chick and now it burns when i pee You: im just trying to figure out with it is April(25813): Okay, just a moment. You: do you need to know any more symtoms? April(25813): Sure, I might be able to use the info for a better search, if you're comfortable. You: as long as it doesnt make you not like me April(25813): I like you. You: ok well, besides the burning when i pee, my testicals are very sore, and swolen, and sometimes there are bumps that puss and stuff that show up on my scrotum, and my sac hiar is falling out You: and erections hurt real bad April(25813): That doesn't sound good at all. I'm going to see if I can find a couple more sites for you, but I would highly suggest seeing a doctor ASAP. You: ...maybe i should have waited to loose my virginity.. You: docters will just laugh at me April(25813): No, doctors deal with this stuff all the time. If you're uncomfortable with seeing your regular doc, you could visit your county health department. Usually health departments have clinics that deal with these sorts of things frequently. You: i shouldnt have had sex with this girl i fell so dumb, and now im never gunna be able to have sex again April(25813): Do you feel these results are sufficient? You: can i ask you another? April(25813): Sure. You: have you ever had anything like this.. You: you know anyone that has You: ..i hope i can have sex again...i dont want the first time to be the last..it felt really good April(25813): Of course you'll be able to have sex again, though I would suggest waiting until it's with someone right, someone who loves you. April(25813): No, I'm sorry, I haven't and I don't personally know anyone. But then again, I'm in my 30's and have been married for 9 years. My husband and I are both Christians and waited until we were married. You: if i do have an std..do you know where i can find single girls that have them too April(25813): Honestly, it may seem like a long time to wait, but you may want to consider waiting until you're married or atleast in a committed relationship. I mean what did this casual encounter do for you? It made you sick. April(25813): That's not the way you want to go. It's very possible what you have can be cured with antibiotics or other meds. See a doctor, asap. You: this is a very hard time for me..id rather you keep you opinions of me to your self You: i know im sick..you dont have to rub it in April(25813): Well, you asked me a personal question, so I felt like I had permission to share personal opinion. I apologize if I offended you. April(25813): Is there anything else I can help you with? You: its ok, you have a nice night..and please..the next time your in bed with your husbend..think of me April(25813): Take care, I'm sure everything will be all right. You: OWNED!! April(25813): Please RATE ME. Thanks for using ChaCha. Status: Session ended
  3. undr_psi


    absolutly...whos in!?
  4. ^^ thats f*ckin twisted!!.... I LOVE IT!!^^
  5. i wouldnt get the police involved..i just put it upon myself to make things even. But..im a dick and i would prolly take it way to far and fuck his girlfriend or somthing..but hey im not in this situation. just remeber nothing says justice like a louisville slugger! shit happens, its not the end of the world. A few days after i got my Talon, I let a friend give it a test drive (this also happend to be a friday..my 21st bday) and i made the mistake of waiting in the parking lot for him..a few minutes later i got a phone call from him telling me the clutch was gone...so insted of being at the bar drunk for my bday i was under my car covered in clutch dust and tranny fluid..he never paid or said sorry for any of it. but...like in your situation life goes on and im still friends with him. my advice to you is either move on with life or get your revenge..but please dont do it on CR.
  6. public service announcement to the guy that "built" that car.. http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e60/standardsta2003/jimmyhat.jpg
  7. what kinda $$ you guys looking to get for a used 3in?
  8. undr_psi


    so im driving by white castle on henderson...and glanced at the sign and had to seccond take it..."Cheese your sack"...im gunna get a pic i thought it was funny as hell
  9. linn...was that here? or just some random vid?
  10. ok seriously somone needs the shit smacked out of them... that got to be the most repulseive thing ive ever seen...WHAT THE FUCK OVER. i could go on but im not goning to.
  11. undr_psi

    cruisefest 07

    just thought id post it incase anyone was interested... never been so i may go.. http://www.cruisefestnationals.net/index.html
  12. there are a few areas around town that are really bad, you know the kind that make you feel like your in an ofroad rally race..the plows tear up the roads that are already shitty..kenny road is getting really bad up by gov. sq. and fox and hounds.
  13. undr_psi

    Reno 911!

    i enjoyed it...i dont really laugh durring movies but when the whole theater is do it, its hard to resist. i thought it was worth the $6
  14. undr_psi

    Reno 911!

    I NEED BEER!!! but movies cool..
  15. fuck you and your air hockey skillz!! i was distracted by the blonde behind you..
  16. ..dinner.. applebees polaris @ 6:45
  17. dunno about dinner..gimme a ring and we grab somr grubb before we go...anyone else...see ya around 8
  18. got wood? NWS for ads. http://www.shooshtime.com/clips/video.php?id=12763
  19. ....solution....drink coffee...redbull...ect. YOU CAN DO IT!!
  20. anyone wanna hit gameworkz?? i think and and mark (all wheel slow) are goin for sure..
  21. do thoes guys do mostly lsx work??...im looking for somwhere to have my dsm tuned once i get it back together..and heard nothing but good things about eric and brian
  22. the guy standing in front of the car (1:01) should work on his reaction skills..lol
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