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Everything posted by undr_psi

  1. are you kidding.... first, we were in a parking lot with NOONE there except the involved party.its not like we were drifting through school zones at 65 at 3pm.. If your faimly was just chillin in the coop parking lot at 1030 at night in 8degree weather in the snow then you might have reason to post dick comments. you were prolly miles away with your family in your warm house safe and sound. second, you drive a 89 dodge..like me..you have no room to call an 05 f-250 a pos PS your on a racing fourm...you streetrace, then bitch about someone hitting a pole in a vacant parking lot...seriously..delete your account here sell the shelby and buy a minivan with a baby on board sticker.
  2. undr_psi

    Tonight!!!! 2/6

    that was sweet. im glad so many people showed up. got to drift an A4 and A6 good times. hey anyone have video of me racing the FWDs on foot? lol
  3. undr_psi

    Tonight!!!! 2/6

    ben..youve got 4wd drop the skirt hit the gas and lets go... you take tooo long@@
  4. like it says..i need one..black..the gf broke it off lastnight after getting pizza..
  5. damn it..i washed mine today!
  6. undr_psi

    I'm A Noob

    ....rice! bout time you got on here bitch
  7. i dont live far from there..around almost everynight..ill keep my eyes open and beat the fuck outta someone if i see it
  8. sam was that from saterday?... i shoulda stuck around but fuck being put on a waiting list to go bowling.
  9. balenceshaft question im getting ready to do a timingbelt and waterpump job on my 91 talon..i got the BS eliminator kit from machv and all that. my question is with removing the BS do i need to buy aand install a new bs belt and related items..or do i just need the timing belt and all that.. also anybody willing to give me a hand when the time comes?? thnks in advance for your replies __________________
  10. found this over on ColumbusDSM might be old..sorry if its a repost. http://dsmvideo.vidiac.com/recentvideos/0/70b1e2cf-0e4e-46f8-a61b-98be00f6f70d.htm
  11. initial D simulator was kinda cool...oh and ben sorry about handing your ass to you in baseball..
  12. ben (mrautox) and i will be there about 8 also..parking on the top
  13. 1. rob..welcome abord 2.you might have a chance with linn motor only.. 3.fuck you ben...it wanst unfortunate the other night with beer, captain, and wingstreet wings.. 4. rob if you wanna post some pics and details of the car email me and ill post em for you..till you learn how...f*cking n00b!
  14. haha.. http://media.putfile.com/Canadian-Beaver-81
  15. i missed the hilliard ones..could be fun..im taking the beater car and leaving the GF at home tho!
  16. Ko4 or not...the DSM will still walk your punkass!! just kidding brad..lemme know when you get your shit together and well get ya movin..
  17. you and me...40 roll..dry road...SKEERD YET!?
  18. brads A4 is a 2000 model year..built in late 99
  19. haha that was fun..to bad brads A4 got smoked in the race!..i was a little cold while filming but i had fun.
  20. http://www.swapcartech.com/forum/showthread.php?t=674
  21. sounds like you had a good time..to bad i had to work..
  22. haha i used to work at that store!
  23. i hate you all..its just funny how shits getting all divided up had to say somthing smartass
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