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Posts posted by undr_psi

  1. just wanted to see if i was doing my part. And i was bored as shit. all numbers are rough and im not trying to be perfect so deal with it.


    In 2005 Anheuser Busch produced 101 million barrels of beer for distibution in the US.


    101,000,000 barrels = 407,232,000,000 ounces


    now lets say that all the beer produced was in 12oz bottles ( i dont feel like doing the math on cans,kegs,tallboys, ect.)


    407,232,000,000 / 12 = 33,936,000,000 12oz bottles of beer


    the US population is roughly 295,734,134 people...about 45%..non drinkers, which leaves us with 133,080,360 drinkers.(age not factored)lets say only 1/2 is 21+


    33,936,000,000 12oz bottles of beer / 66,540,181 drinkers = about 510 beers a person a year


    510/365 = 1.39ish beers per day per person

    not including non Anheuser Busch products.


    are you drinking enough beer?

  2. Thanks! Its nice for lead. Do you play any?







    yeah i played for about 4 years. i had a gibson ES 335 hollow body, a PRS custom 22 and a huges and ketter tube head and 4-12 cab...but i pretty much quit when it all got stolen out of my old apartment. but i came across a fender acoustic dirt cheap and just started playing again..Acoustic guitars are cool, but 120watts of distorted power through 4-12s is ssoooo much better..i miss it.

  3. thats sweet..but still an accident waiting to happen..its kinda like driving thru campus on the first few warm days of spring..geez who woulda thought driving with a massive hard on thru the steering wheel would be like trying to steal a car with the Club....
  4. Question though. Why in the HELLLLLLLLLLLLL would you dress like that to get pics done if your girl is in a bikini? You look like a sporty farm kid.
    your answer..like already said..who the fuck is gunna look at me..plus i wasnt soposed to be in them..i was conned in to it.


    Sometimes girls, especially college girls, like to engage in... what I like to call: social experimentation. Akin to a middle school boy trying on Atheism for size, these girls convince themselves to deny their biological imperatives. They briefly try desperately to believe that aesthetics is not an indicator of superior offspring and that shell necklaces and an absolutely obvious lack of personal style is not an indicator of a lack of status in the social power paradigm.


    Eventually, the black nail polish washes of the formerly embittered 15 year old atheist and the busty blonde subconsciously realizes that the biological imperative is supremely important and moves on to more structured jaw lines.






    ok ken so ill ditch the shell necklace and pick up some chromed out aviators like yours...that'll make me cool right? :thumbup:

  5. a few days ago i came across a real good deal on a front mount core. only problem is it was kinda of an impulse buy and im not sure its gunna fit. dimensions are 32x12x3. i know ill have to cut the bump supp. and the bumper it self to let air flow into the FM.


    any one know if itll fit? also is there such thing as an intercooler being too big for a turbo?


    thanks in advance for the help.


    91 tsi fwd

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