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Quicksand Jesus

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Everything posted by Quicksand Jesus

  1. I bought them in 2006. They were ran in my Subaru, probably 10,000 miles. I also sent them to get cleaned just this Jan-Feb time frame. And of course these are RC's so they will clean for free, you just pay shipping. The only reason I'm selling them is I bought some 2150cc's so I can go e85.
  2. I have 4 RC 1000cc injectors for sale with the resistor box. These are peak and hold type. $250 takes them! PM me for info -Bryan
  3. Hey, this site only lets me send 1 pm every 120 mins. Send me an e-mail to bryan@initialtiming.net, or call me. I can make it there to look over the bike tonight.
  4. Here's a pic http://lh4.ggpht.com/_Tjhi4C9uRAk/TEY0IzYKAxI/AAAAAAABPAA/zNt9PEnMJoQ/s800/2010-07-19%2018.45.03.jpg
  5. Hey guys, I've got my car up and running and it's time to clean out the garage. all items for sale will need to be picked up, I will not ship anything. so here it goes 1. Perrin lightweight crank pulley - maybe 500 miles or so on it - SOLD! 2. Stock front diff out of a 2002 5MT - $50 http://lh4.ggpht.com/_Tjhi4C9uRAk/TCefN2e57HI/AAAAAAABOwo/c2Jr3gmEEgA/s800/2010-06-27%2014.47.48.jpg 3. stock top mount off my 2002 WRX maybe 10000 miles in GREAT shape - $75 http://lh5.ggpht.com/_Tjhi4C9uRAk/TCejF1dSVGI/AAAAAAABOxQ/N8ik3y0gsKc/s800/2010-06-27%2014.46.32.jpg 4. Aluminum race radiator for 2002-2003 WRX - $75 http://lh5.ggpht.com/_Tjhi4C9uRAk/TCei58kGQkI/AAAAAAABOxI/04fDfpBPtDU/s800/2010-06-27%2014.45.56.jpg Just give me a call or pm me if you are interested in anything. -Bryan -Phone 614-923-0951
  6. Okay, I was driving the car tonight with my SCT tune switcher installed. While the car was idling I accidentally yanked the chip out of the car by catching my arm on the tune selector. The car died instantly. now the car won't start with or without the chip. My theft light flashes rapidly then 1 and 6 pulses of the theft light. My miles also do not show on the odometer. I have checked all fuses tried both keys let the car site for 1 hour with battery on let car sit for 1 hour with battery off Tried with and without the SCT chip installed Tried with my old Diablo chip installed Does anyone have some advice for me? This is not good........
  7. 12.2 @ 116 Those are stock heads and cams?
  8. Rich and sad.... CBR's, real fast cars, ATV's and big screen TV's brother please!! Not possible to be rich and sad. Money can't fix mental problems though.
  9. Yo!!! That was a sweet Mustang by the way, I really miss it. I think there's gonna be some good track days this year.
  10. Hey there toughguy! I was thinking that maybe you could get off ur lazy ass and get that nitrous kit installed. Then maybe you could run my Subaru again and we could have a REAL race. Also, GM just called to let me know that they are sorry for not making the LS1 stout enough to run with the Mustang crowd. So don't be so hard on the Mustang guys for being superior. L8ter!!!
  11. Thanks, I made 2 passes only to find out that I have a leaking headgasket!! No biggie I guess the season is almost over. But I am happy that I got the launch control set almost perfect...was pulling 1.6 60` on crappy tires. Hopefully next spring I can get out and meet more of you. Those twin turbo vettes are completley awesome BTW!!!
  12. I'll be there tonight, driving the yellow 2002 WRX
  13. I'll never look at music the same after reading this thread, it's answered some of the long standing question's I've had about life in general. I listen to this one when I'm out crusin in the Cobra looking for trouble
  14. Oh yeah, well my friends friend has a car that traps over 130, so there!! FWIW - This isn't Joey, this is Bryan. I have not yet attempted to slay the mighty 7 yet!!! If you want to find some other people with cars why don't you try the race track that is right down the road?
  15. WOW!! A blown mustang's prolly the fastest car in Marion......................... I've heard that there are some fast RX-7's though. I don't think an RX-7 could ever beat a Mustang though. I think the guy that ran the websites (he kept changing the name) forgot to pay the bill.
  16. How did you get the address??? ROFL Here's what you should do. Now that you have her address go to her house tonight. Sit in her driveway for about 10 mins leaving your car running. Then start honking you horn, get out of the car and punch you hood a couple times. Wait for about 5 more mins, get back out and yell "NOW I KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE". Then take off spinning the tires. That will give her something to think about.
  17. Thanks for your replies. I'll look into Fowler
  18. Well Phillips is going to be looking at the engine they built for me this week. Hopefully if everything works out I won't need to buy another one. We will see how it goes. I was just trying to look for a back up plan.
  19. Time to dust off my account on here and check for some advice. Does anyone have experience with a local machine shop/engine builder and Subarus?? I'm going to call around and get some options. The only one I know of is Phillips so far.
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