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Posts posted by Mykill

  1. When I first moved to Columbus back in 2002, my dad lived in an apartment in New Albany while his house was being built. I had to leave my 1985 Dodge Aries SE there while I was at college. Well it was not the most desirable care but had a pioneer deck, alpine speakers, and rockford amp/subs and was stolen. Police found it later stripped of all my goodies.

    My dad's current house, I left my Maxima with a much better system unlocked every night and never thought twice. So I guess the moral of my story is I understand where your coming from and it sucks. I miss my systems :(

  2. Good God! Who are these people? Who 2-ups a bike for their first ride on it? That being said, I plan on taking the Pony up on it's offer during the Victory demo days in the fall.

    They made you take it by yourself first then you could take a passenger. I took my gf on the vstrom and it was so much better than the CBR. I was behind the lead rider and it was a fun pace when possible. Pretty cool bike.

  3. I think it's a great way to promote the manufacturers bikes.

    I rode the strom after the guy dumped it. Just a few scratches on it and grass stains. The guy who was riding it was a complete moron. Left his young daughter there by herself as he test rode 2 bikes and was gone 20+ minutes each tIme.

  4. When I first started riding I rode on the freeway and around town in the middle of the night because there was no traffic and I could get used to things. I love the night. There is something so calming and soothing about it.

    I remember riding up 315 next to the olentangy river. I only had about a month experience at the time. A thunderstorm hit but the lightning came first. It was such an amazing experience riding next to the river while the storm was lighting up everything around me.

  5. please dont listen to these jokers. as someone with just under 10 years of professional medical experience(and even longer of personal knee injuries) take it easy. Knees will take you out in the long run, so take care of them now...for your and your familys sake.

    That being said you cant tell much in terms of ligament or tendon damage from a knee xray. While i have personal experience, i'm no ortho doc so make an appointment to go see one. MRI could shed some light on how extensive the damage is or, hopefully, isn't. You could even get a script for PT and minimize additional injury.

    my .02

    Professional medical experience as a ?

  6. I might actually have to not go. I'm supposed to wear this immobilizer for 3-6 weeks. I can't really ride with it on :(

    Nobody listens to doctors. 90% dont know what they are doing anyways.

    Make the trip regardless even if you just put around you'll have a great time.

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