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Posts posted by Mykill

  1. just tested the scala rider thingy with wifes exo 400, damn amazing, less wind noise and overall very good considering the price. tried it in 70ish speed and still awesome, under 150 helmet, hence weight sux, and saftey will be concern i guess

    The exo-400 crashes just fine ;)

  2. I've heard road 2s are better for lighter bikes aka CBR. Not sure if there's any truth in it.

    I don't think weight is the issue. I've ridden plenty two up and I'm 240 gf is like 110? I always kept my rear 42. People say in they wouldn't buy I never had an issues and did plenty highway/straight/twisty with no problems.

  3. its been a long time since there was an OR thread i was actually unable to finish reading....i made it to like page 6 and had to quit before my brain actually melted

    Try reading the one on their site. You'll be thankful your brains melted.

  4. Dude, I was at my AUnt/Uncles on bixford and you drove right by and didn't even give me a reach around.

    It was about 3pmish, and I even yelled at you but you kept on flying by. I'll remember that then next time you want to be big spoon. I was going to stop over, then remembered I had a painter heading over at 5 and had to run home.

    I got your paper for the settings for Nelson though dude, gotta get it over this week/end.

    Dude I was there. You shouldve stopped. It wouldve been the Jennings threesome reunion. Remember all the wonderful smells :eek:

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