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Everything posted by miguez

  1. Ooops, I just noticed I forgot to add this to my original post: CONGRATS on 10 years, that's awesome!
  2. You got it, we're Thunderdoming it. Damn, I should've started my workout routine months ago!
  3. Wait a second, where's the second? This forum is not big enough for two Fabios!
  4. Hi Brian, brand new here, but Casper was telling me about your shop on a group ride I met him on yesterday, sounds really nice! I'd like to be able to dyno my 990, if there is still room on your schedule. I'd be available on the 17th also. Thanks for doing this!!!
  5. Thanks guys, nice reception! Jagr, not yet, I haven't seen him since he got back. Today was his first day at work. I am giving him until the end of the week, then I'll sic my hounds on him...
  6. My name is Fabio, and I have lived in Ohio for 2 and a half years, but only now heard about Ohio Riders. I went to a group ride yesterday and met none other than Casper, who took advantage of how numb my mind was with the cold to drill into my subconscious info about Ohio Riders. Today I woke up and all I could say, instead of "Don't talk to me, i haven't had my coffee yet" was "Don't talk to me, I haven't had my Ohio Riders yet. And Casper rules". Damn Casper. Well, here I am. On my good days I ride a 2008 KTM 990 Adventure. If I'm too tired to pick it up when I drop it (an occurrence that is far too common, but only offroad, so far), then I take a 2009 Kawi KLX250S. I ride at Perry as often as I can, but also enjoy paved roads, going wherever the good roads are. Nice to meet everyone! Oh, and I live in Gahanna, for the record.
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