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Everything posted by Beegreenstrings

  1. I know it is way late, but, I have the 96 Katana. I would make you a deal on.
  2. Damn, I thought you wouldve had sides and a roof on it by now?
  3. actually I could go with the sudden stop of the projectile at the end of the ride kills people, not guns.
  4. Don't worry I dont use that in the woods when I am putting the smack down on Bambi. I have a 03 Supertec that I did some Frankenstiening to. Still screams and is dead nuts quiet. Yeah you have to watch the sites especially when they are adjustable. I use spot hog hoggit's and took the thumb screw out of the one I use all the time and put in the allen screw with blue lock tite becuase of that reason. Kept backing out when it was in the case on long rides. I am in Columbus a lot, with the woman going to OSU. She shoots over at A1 a lot with a local Pro. I shoot at Southeastern Ohio sportsmens Club. One of the few indoor 50yard ranges. The fiance and I actually shoot for the owners.
  5. I wish I could put that big black pig (VTX) up on one.
  6. I wish that light shown today had the laser on it... That would be nice on the H&K during the night shoots.
  7. Yeah like spoons made Oprah fat! I see a nice Colt in that collection... how long have you had that? Looks like the carry handle is stationary so it is a earlier model? Large pin reciever (taking a stab at that). Doing the best I can from the pic. Reguardless very nice. I see another M1A in that collection as well? am I the only one without one.
  8. Then yeah I am going with you need to get it checked out by a techy. They can look to see if there is any delamination going on plus they can check that string. If even remotely looks like it has fur on it, it probably needs replaced. + feel it when you see it again. If the string feels dry and sharp like a razor it needs replaced. It is going to be a standard crossbow (with the wheels on the limbs it is a compound crossbow - multiplies the energy with the pullies), This thing could be a "MAN's" crossbow! If it's a 175lb pull on a standard limb, holy shite! I had one I won and got rid of it the next day.
  9. dude if you look around you can get a new in the box ruger P95 for under 3 bills easy. Normally the sale is 269-279 for the gun and two extra mags. They are a badass gun two man. The key I look at in any firearm is if I need to tomorrow can I get my money back out of it? A new ruger in the box that is a hicap. No problem. Stay away from the 10+1 versions, if possible. Where as the hipoint you cant. Unless you find someone that knows nothing about guns or wants one really bad in someone elses name.
  10. Nice M1A! Need to know more about that browning! It's obviously not a Ultra series but that thing has some nice wood... I havn't seen checkering like that before. I am dieing to get my hands on a Ultra XT with either 30's or 32's and a adjustable comb w/high a rib... The fiance has a competition GTI that I like, but its just not a Ultra...
  11. You definately dont want to get too weak of a bolt, scary enough on a 60-70lb bow let alone a 150lb crossbow. does it have wheels on the limbs (i.e. a compound crossbow)? This is what I shoot on a regular basis. For now...
  12. Dude just start the rebuild so you have no choice but to have it done before you can ride next year.
  13. Do be so quick to not blame it on the bow! If the person was a smoker the strings on bows hold sent like a sent pad, Dynema is a very absobent material. You or I might not be able to smell it but it could still be there. OK If it does not readily say it on the bow, what it is, you need to take it to a shop so someone can take a look at it. Secondly, do you know the poundage the limbs are on the bow? This will make a difference in the bolts you buy for it, this can be explained to you in better detail when a techy at a shop looks at it. third. You can measure for bolt length. From the back of the bed on the bow (that top split on the shelf were the arrow goes all the way back into the cocking mechinism) to the front. Then add approx. one to two inches for appropriate broadhead clearance. This would be much easier if I could see the bow in person. I am doing my best to explain... Got any pics? This is the one thing I can argue with anyone on since I have been a level 1 archery instructor for the past 6 years and have shot for Bowtech and Hoyt. I also make custome strings if anyone needs a set... But yes I do charge. Dynema products keep climbing in price.
  14. Personally I would keep saving and look at a cheap Ruger. You can catch them on sale for 279. Actually I would buy a used police trade in before that... But, again that is me.
  15. WOW she does.... she got my vote.
  16. watched the news this morning! Did not go to well for his return home!!! BOOOOOO But, looked like he still had a good night!
  17. The XR is going to get the smog eliminator kit, a new slip on pipe and possible some jetting work. New Brake pads front and back and maybe a new set of rubber... The Kat is done. But I dont think it is going to sell until spring... Maybe if I get lucky. If the neibor feels gitty, I might go ahead and try and figure the paint out... The VTX, New set of pipes (possibly), Carbs getting cleaned up and having the jetting checked on them. The biggie. If the Kat goes down the road. I plan on getting the RC51 I want immediately after and doing whatever work it needs instantly... That would definately be the primary bike for next year!
  18. thought about that. My fears were ammo coming down and smacking to hard on the rail at bottom... BOOM. I know i would:monkeypoo: i have been looking for one of the older machines that had the little side door that opened and had the bottles in the shelves. I though it would be cool to run in and drop 50 cents and reach in and grab the .45 out.
  19. So the idea is to stay out of the hospital? and stay awake?
  20. Does anyone else watch this? Got to love mike. Dude will have ulcers in another year... I told the woman we could take our Vacation at Sturgis and work for Mike... She could bar tend and I could work Security.
  21. My dad could probably Obama-Engineer it for you. I could most likely do it for you... If the parts were still available. The 1100 I just did for a race gun was springs and bolts in a duffel bag when I got it. I am like Jimmy Noutron with guns... The brain just has a nack for them.
  22. Is it just me or did "28 days" start the same way as this? Guy woke up in a rampid hospital?
  23. I have a half built AR and a bottle of Ann Jack on top of the Frig.
  24. Is the preview for next week the one where the military boys in biosuits start shooting each other?
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