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Everything posted by rdkngpopi

  1. I haven't done it yet, but I have it on my ride list....this looks to be a good route to see Ohio and it's 800+ miles, you could make plenty of off the cuff adjustments to make it more enjoyable..sight seeing and enjoying some winding country roads.http://www.openroadjourney.com/loadroute.asp?rid=4734 J-U-S-T-R-I-D-E !!
  2. Thanks guys, I'll try State 8, a little closer, I found a Geauga Power Sports in Newbury on Google, gonna call them tomorrow also, Thank you!!
  3. Anyone know where to get tires mounted in Northeast Ohio besides a dealer, Portage, Geauga or Trumbull county area?
  4. you should connect to RT 9 north on your way back, it'll take you into Salem, I just rode Rt 9 out of salem south to Kilgore, then headed north on Rt 164, both are GREAT motorcycle roads, but do becareful, driveways come out near curves and sometimes cages are in your lane, but it is beautiful rural scenery and fabulous curves. ENJOY!!
  5. 11 years with a Road King, love every day I ride it!!
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