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dugan n rita

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Posts posted by dugan n rita

  1. Ok..... the skinny.

    38 yrs riding, 328k miles, personal believer in ATGATT.

    I am gassing up, and a young man and his GF pull up on a YZ1.

    He, is in t-shirt, shorts and flip-flops, she is in shorts, half-t and ff's. No helmets or even gloves. He parks and she gets off, very cute , maybe 17 or 18, He looked 16, but was 19. Only 1 yr riding experience on a very fast bike.

    He starts by asking me waht kind of bike I was riding, I told him a Kawi Concours, he asked me why I messed it up and put bags on it. He then asked if I was hot in all that gear.

    I asked him if he really wanted to start a conversation with a question like that. He looked at me like I was from Mars. So I asked him if he was going to a barbecue, because he had on his Backyard barbecue gear.

    I go 6'3 and 245, and geared up my wife says I look like a Stormtrooper. This little fucker might have been 5' nothin and 140 lbs soaking wet.

    And he just shook his head and walked away.

    I looked at his GF and told her that she was to young to have settled already. All she could do was drop her head and follow the little asshole.

    I knew it wasn't going to get any better, so I mounted up and rode off.

    I kinda wonder how he will be when her DAD gets ahold of him because his daughter is in an ICU burn unit and not concious.

    Maybe i just care to much, but it just seems llke such a waste.

    Sorry for my rambleing, I know it is a personal choice, and I shouldn't get so upset. I guess it is the Dad / Grandpa safety thing coming out in me.

    Please, everyone ride safe out there, and gear up if can.


    You could have beet him over the head with why its not cool to be cool, but all you would have had was sore arms.

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