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Posts posted by beezer

  1. Normally when I get pulled over, I don't say much because I always intend to take my tickets to court and I don't want to inadvertantly provide them something to use against me in court. However the one time I was pulled over for flashing my lights, I did put forward the argument that when I did that, all the other drivers who were speeding subsequently slowed down and wasn't that the point? I don't know if he planned on ticketing me or not, but he never did.

  2. Here's an idea. Let's say the nut job's love notes found in his safe said that Rush Limbaugh told him that these democrats had to go and targeted Gabby as the leader of the left wing commies trying to take over the country. And Palin came to him in a dream and said she would draw and quarter him like an Alaskan elk if he didn't go to try and kill Gabby and take as many others as he could with her. And he had logs detailing how he wouldn't leave the house when Rush was on. I say while that might be introduced as irrefuteable evidence that Laughner was nuts, it wouldn't make Rush or Palin any more responsible then the are now.

  3. http://www.salon.com/news/politics/war_room/2010/12/27/scott_brown_tea_party/index.html

    So the right wing rag Salon Magazine has identified the next Tea Party target in their "War Room" section. If Scott Brown goes down next, are they to blame? I could go on and on and on..... The political language, ( in my view the only protected speech) is full of references to killing, shooting murdering and targeting the opposition. And it has been that way since this country was founded and before.

  4. "Unnoted by Giffords then, or Krugman now, is the routine use of similar language and imagery by both parties in a culture obsessed with "battleground" states. Indeed, a nearly identical map, included in a Democratic Leadership Committee publication in 2004, featured nine bullseyes over regions where Republican candidates were considered vulnerable that year, and was accompanied by a caption reading: TARGETING STRATEGY. A smaller caption, beneath the bullseyes, read: BEHIND ENEMY LINES. The map illustrated an article on campaign strategy by Will Marshall of the Progressive Policy Institute."

    These are just words regardless of who uses them. Only a nut job would assume that means it is OK to kill someone. That is why I posted the most offensive thing I could think of. Glad to see that while some took offense, no one suggested my speech be shut down. Congratulations.

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