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racerx78 last won the day on August 2 2010

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About racerx78

  • Birthday 06/19/1978

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  1. The value you get with Google play music is really great. I get annoyed if i use someone else YouTube account and see a commercial. Never having to say "Skip Ad" especially during long videos is nice. As well as playing videos in the background.
  2. I second Media Monkey. I've used it for years to Manage my 4K+ library of music. it has a simple interface and tools that allow you to easily edit mp3 attributes, tags, and add album art to files. When i went trough my collection it was a lifesaver. Now, since I've gotten Google Play Music i uploaded my library to that service, and just use it to play my music. My i get both music from their service and my own library.
  3. Weekend bump, i'd really like to get these sold. I'm accepting reasonable offers.
  4. Weekend bump, i'd really like to get these sold. I'm accepting reasonable offers.
  5. Yea when i first got the new car i tried to install them and the mounting points are different.
  6. Additional pictures of each wheel to show they are in mint condition with not nicks, chips or curb rash. http://i.imgur.com/uN4s4c4.jpg http://i.imgur.com/Hjdqior.jpg?1 http://i.imgur.com/OkIwTtn.jpg http://i.imgur.com/mQZHIAS.jpg http://i.imgur.com/G6et68l.jpg?1
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