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Posts posted by Sixgun

  1. My favorites are the ones with two carts. One with the WIC/Welfare items, and one full of non WIC/support items, beer, ding dongs, smokes, comfort items cuz man it's tuff out there waiting on the mail man.

    You want to see real poor people try Africa, South America or any 3rd world country. I was on a deployment to Guyana. We had to start burning our trash because the locals on the "International Airport" were fighting over it. Then we had to start treating kids for burns because they would risk burns to get what scraps we wouls throw away.

    Also watched the local military whip kids for stealing off our clothes lines. They wanted to ensure they didn't offend the rich American soldiers and they would not return.

    Poor/needy is relative.

  2. OhioMike, One should also compare unemployment rates in the RTW vs. the Non. The cost of living (COA) can also be a double edge sword. If you move to where the jobs are...it drives prices up (supply and demand), raising the COA of the state or region. Wages increase to retain and recruit good workers.

    You can see the good and bad in Vegas compared to say Charlotte NC.

  3. Honestly-How many public Union guy's first thought was..."damn that guys Union sucks!"? So were drafted out of High school into that carreer?

    I'm not familar with the London facility, but how many 16's can you get if you want them like the folks in Chillichothe?

    Maybe your Union should run some "We'll let all the bad people out jail" Ads.

    What's the retirement based on, high 1, high 3, or base? Most people now days have only what they save and SS (if that's around).

    Does your health care have a $12,000 yearly deductable before it does anything?

    All a matter of perspective...I am married to a public employee, and hope she can collect on promises....

  4. Thanks to everyone who voted NO to stop this one sided politically motivated bill.

    I would like to think that Kasich got the message and will now get to work on a more equitable funding bill,but I'm not holding my breath.

    Hey Kasich...how's it feel to get run over by that bus you were talking about?

    Just some random thoughts:

    Did you see any income taxes or levies pass for gas in the bus in your neighborhood?

    An example: I'm sure no Union employee in Westerville, Ohio voted againest the school levy...which failed and besides programs, 175 union jobs will be cut. Must have been bloated non needed programs. Don't worry the Gym teacher with senority can teach AP Geometry...Those teachers don't work much and they get summers off. Heck with masters degrees they can get real American hard working middle class jobs...

    Are the Unions going to spend $24 million fighting for more taxes? The latest now is making Ohio a right to work state. I think Union dues will have to increase...

    Wonder who's driving the bus with the wowfully underfunded pensions in it...

    No easy answers...pay me now:( or pay me later.:mad:

  5. :lol:

    I figured I would take a guess since 90% of Sleepy Hollow is Brunswick Hills.

    Still WRONG:


    Since county road 136 (Sleepy Hollow road) is approx. 5.6 miles in length and the Brunswick border is west of 103 (South Carpenter road) to SR 42 (Pearl road) equals more then 2/3rds the length of the road, and Brunswick Hills is only on the west end of 136.

    The answer is not 90%, you can do the math...or ride it, I'm tired from the research.

    I win, I win, and your a LIAR!!!!!:D I bet you don't live in Brunswick, probably a Hinkley Buzzard.

    Bow to your betters!:bow:

  6. I grew up in Brunswick on Sleepy Hollow road, and now live live in Grove City also known as Grovetucky...lol

    I don't have a problem at all with the sign, and I'm not a big believer in God. but don't have big problem with others opinions, or prayers, or Christmas displays. I'm never seen the "seperation of Church and State" in the constitution.

    Live and let live.

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