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Everything posted by Pain636

  1. Pain636

    Ride Saturday?

    Trying to get time for this, Saturday is going to be busy for me but I'm gonna try to get about 3 hours to do this.
  2. *Tears* So sad to see a fellow 636 bite the big one. And I'm glad to see you were able to walk away, well...limp away. I've been there watch out for the goose bumps on that rash!!!! If you decide to part it out let me know, I could always use a few extra parts laying around =p
  3. Pain636

    New Guy

    Getting closer... Powder-coat..
  4. Pain636

    New Guy

    Thanks All. About another week and it should be ready to roll, getting levers,pegs,and rear sets powder-coated black. Black bolt kit is on its way, and new exhaust to mount on.
  5. Pain636

    New Guy

    Was wrecked, I didn't have many pics of the damage. I think it once was a stunt bike. Also looking for a good place to buy a "Black Bolt Kit", Anyone know of any good places?
  6. Had it done two years ago. I had swelling, and pain. Overall the 6 or 7 days of feeling like you were being kicked in the nuts constantly is well worth knowing your shooting blanks.
  7. Pain636

    New Guy

    Well let me start with pics of my very first bike(09 Ninja250) that I totaled to avoid a F350. Which the driver who was at fault never did stop >.< Yep thats me all wraped up the day after. I have more but that should do, I was gonna post rash pics, but they're pretty nasty =p Now on to the current build, forgive me I didn't take too many "before" pics of the actual damage that it had. Now after a good cleaning and new lowers, and nose... Thats all I got for now more to come when I get em. Now one from this past years Dragon run Thank god its a strict helmet laws to hide my ugly mug.
  8. Sexy Bike,wish I had the funds for it myself =(
  9. Pain636

    New Guy

    Yea it was ridable last season, it was just ugly as hell. I even took it to the Dragon with my bro-in-law last July.
  10. Pain636

    New Guy

    Hello everyone! I was told about this forum by a few people I work with. I ride a 2006 Kawasaki ZX6R 636. I bought it totaled, and have been rebuilding it. right now its in the process of getting painted/piped. After thats done it will be at 100% complete(I can't wait!).
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