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Posts posted by GESEXER

  1. lol, well I am going to put a volt meter on the wiring harness that goes into the fuel pump to see if it is getting current or not when the bike is on. If it does not recieve and than its a good possibility that the realy has gone bad. Thanks for the feedback. New from the dealer is about 750 bones. I can find used ones on ebay for 125ish or cheaper. Damn suzuki!

  2. Wow, that's one thing I am scared of, is someone pulling out in front of me while riding. Though I don't ride wheelies so I think that I would have better control. I always feel like the second I think about getting stupid is when I get hurt in the next second. Regaurdless of what happened, drag racing is for the drag strip; hence, draaaag striiiiip!

  3. Cool idea, but if drinkin' means THAT much to some folks why not save a little money and just pour your beer into a drink cooler? I've got one I take camping that easily holds 36 oz. that usually keeps the park rangers off my case :D

    You do have a very valid point, or just a plastic cup.

  4. this is unfair as you would have to do a percentage of people driving while high as opposed to drinking which will never be available. i have never tried pot and feel no need to but whatever if it can be a form of revenue and help people then legalize it.. no skin off my back.. plus then i can buy stock in fast food and junkfood companies and make a fortune..:D

    I like your thinking, I never thought of it as an investment opp!

  5. Why should they tax it? Why not just de-criminalize it and leave us the fuck alone? There is no reason to tax me for a plant growing in my basement. :dunno:

    Taxing it turns it into a cash crop, if the government is going to legalize it anyway, damn right they are going to make money off of it. They are the con artists of all con artists when it comes to money!

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