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Everything posted by castellilaw

  1. Here's a response I recieved from linked in. I do not know these guys. And I really don't know the problem . But maybe they can help I am of counsel to Adams, Babner & Gitlitz, LLC, and attorney Bret Adams negotiates contracts for professional athletes, coaches, media members, entertainers, and employment contracts. Your acquaintance can call me at 614-560-4719, or call Bret at 614-451-4227.
  2. I'll check with my ohio legal network on linked in and try to get back with you tomorrow. what kind of contract? Tony
  3. Send me an email with your address if you are a member from ohio and would like a bumper sticker
  4. I actually wrote an article for Roadwheeler about the worst day to hit a deer. It's November something i think they are running and rutting.
  5. Kawi Kid I got your back all the way my friend . call me and i'll come runnin. Tony
  6. Hi Justin How are you healing up. Are you going to be able to ride again? Tony
  7. Kawi

    The watermelon on the head alway gets me. Tony

  8. Kawi Kid

    Nice profile. Now i see who the big Dog is around here is and why . Tony

  9. My clients that get seriously injured never get made whole by money, no matter how much. . It helps them financially and a bit emotionally to right a wrong , but if they have permanent problems, they would trade the money to have their health back. Just saying , Tony
  10. Gsrx Its a motor vehicle . So you could get a ticket tony
  11. If you have been hurt by the fault of another in a motorcycle accident in Ohio or been injured in any kind of accident I will answer your questions at no cost and no obligation. For more help try www.castellilaw.com Also I invite you to join the facebook group Motorcycle safety awareness and injury help of Ohio and check out the www.ohiomotorcyclegarage.com Send me a SASE for a free Watch for Motorcycles bumper sticker. Ride safe out there Tony
  12. what kind of stickers are these?
  13. Welcome where do you hang out?
  14. There are a lot of Ohio motorcycle groups clubs. Some well known and others not. I'm wondering what your favorite Ohio bases motorcycle group is and why. I love my friends in the Iron Samaritans based in Cincinnati. They walk a true spirit of brother and sister hood. tony
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