I never complained about the traffic in L.A. Don't get me wrong sometimes it sucked. But never like the movies... Haha, The one place I hated was Chicago. Could have been because when we where there but we went up for a car show. And o refuse to trailer my car. Fun part of the car shows is drivin there and the looks and conversation you get in on the way. We where sitting in traffic on the road that is by the boardwalk that has the ferris wheel. Can't remember the name. But people start FLYING PAST US. on the shoulder. I could here the rock clicking on the side and glass of the car. We where in dead stop traffic.... The shoulder drivers were going like 60mph... My wife counted 16 cars... One right after another... 17 if you count the cruiser with his lights on behind them.... I was so pissed... The cruiser must have called on the radio right away because there was another cruiser waiting at the next ramp... My wife had to calm me down since I stopped and the cops wanted to cuff me.... They thought I was going to attack I guess...