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Posts posted by Helmutt

  1. I ran Roadsmart 2s for street use on my ZX14 for years, but rarely got better than 4k out of them.  Maybe the RS3s are better?  The Angel GTs have been wonderful on my Sprint so far, and at about 4k miles they still look great and show little wear.  I went standard spec on mine, SprintGT only weighs about 590 wet, so the A-spec may be even more tolerant.  They've got an elliptical profile so there's more of a footprint on the highway, but tip in doesn't feel negatively affected to where I dislike them.  I'd compare the tip in feel of a 55 profile Angel GT to a common 50 profile tire, so if you're a 55 or 60 fan just beware these wont feel quite as good...but they still perform excellent imo.

  2. I can see the value with solar if I'm going to be without a power source for weeks or more, but I usually rely on my bike/truck/powerpack for my phone and gps charging.  But the solar pack would definitely be good for SHTF preparedness 

  3. 1 hour ago, what said:

    I bet @Tonik could bring them down to the gap and meet you there with them. 


    1 hour ago, Tonik said:

    Should have stuck them to The Damn Tire.


    1 hour ago, Tonik said:


    Better yet, I will mail them to you and you can trailer them down.


    1 minute ago, what said:



    (@Danimal - This is all to trigger Tonik. I really am happy to bring your tire down to you.)


  4. 1 hour ago, Tonik said:

    You mean like when I was standing around at the meet spot Saturday saying 'Does anyone need any stickers?' followed by Casper rolling up and doing the same?

    Damn kids.

    PM me your address and what color and quantity I will mail them to you.

    I dont listen, ask my wife :D

    Thanks man, pm inbound

  5. 1 minute ago, motocat12 said:

    My hand was numb it could have been doing anything.

    Was the old guy blocking both lanes on the downhill the one out of gas?

    Yup.  Our group could've easily T-boned that guy....poor old fella, but a stupid place to be.  The slow group stopped and did him a solid by pushing that car UPHILL

  6. Home.  Almost 500 miles logged.  Had fun as usual.  Good weather, didn't get a drop of rain other than the morning mist/fog that beaded up our visors on the way to McConnellsville.

    Always good to see the regulars again, catchup with a few I hadn't seen for a while, and met a few new guys.  Weather didn't play spoiler today, so I'm glad the wife and I decided to roll the dice and go.

    See those of you going to the Gap in a few weeks!

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