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Posts posted by Helmutt

  1. I learned to ride the old fashioned way in the dirt, motard style if you will......so my first sportbike was quite a sensation, as well as an adjustment.

    Just like these guys are sayin' James, take it easy until you understand the full physics of what you're trying to accomplish........the more you can learn off the bike, the smarter your riding will be the next time out.

    Books and vids are a good investment of your time to see and know how body position affects the bike in and out of the turns. I picked up a lot of what I know from simply watching races, talking with other riders/racers, and trying to apply what I've heard/seen in a slower paced environment -- once you're comfy with your own actions/reactions, then work your speed up.......you'll have a better grasp on the concept especially once you add more centrifugal turning force with the increased speed.

    For the record, I was street riding for years before attempting track riding for the first time - but after trying it, I feel it may have helped me understand what I can and can't do that much sooner -- personally, get through the safety course and put some more miles on that ride before suiting up to hit the track.

  2. Never got to mess around with the old ramjets and haven't seen the newer turbine toys.........But, I used to be into RC when I was a teen......I raced electric buggies and my Dad built us boats and planes to play with. Those planes take some skill and patience to fly -- we had some small gas trainers and a couple low-winged craft ( F4U Corsair, PT40 ) that were a blast to fly but F4U and PT took STEADY hands to keep off the ground ;)

    There was a fella back in the late 80's at the local RC Hawks air field that built a 1/10 scale P-51 tankbuster with a serious engine "upgrade" ( more lke overkill ) and was pulling a low altitude, high speed flyby when it tore a wing clean off - so from sweet scale-model to a lawn dart in less than a second! Sad sad sad thing to see........especially for the owner that had tons of hours and thousands of bucks in building it.

  3. I dig the whole American ST concept but Buell's been there done that leaving little trend to set there, so this may not be the best opening investment on their part, but I'm assuming they've based this approach on the market explosion for ST's, FJR's, Connie's, etc.

    Hope productions not taking so long due to outsourcing parts or powerplant from Mexico......we've had TONS of warranty work come through our shop due to poor work on their part......detrimental failures warranting engine swaps at less than 8k miles? Piss poor assembly work......Oh well, Walmart wages = Walmart quality......so, I'm hoping they'll make the "smarter" decision......afterall, we're Americans......we're used to overpaying :D

  4. No need to take it down past the paint - same color or not - I'd prep it like attacks telling you, and take her to maaco. I've seen a couple of the "ambassador" paint jobs that a couple hundred bucks get and they're not too bad if you just need decent work......but if you take your time and scuff it right, it would probably turn out better than the ones I've seen

  5. Nice! Almost a Kawi green Raider, thats a sweet scheme and good paint work too - kudos to your design and the artists job!

    I liked the Raider to begin with, but yours is MEAN!!!

  6. Thanx for the link, thats a good read......and Bellboy, you can get knowledgeable attention in most every forum here, havent been here long but thus far everyone has been hella-cool to the newbs.

    Just another reason I dig the atmosphere here, and folks are reasonably local to us all for hands-on help, not a LOT of sh*t talkin' either........except for those comfortable enough with one another to do so;)

    I got thickskinned quick on other forums where cliques exist. Its tough to get straight answers sometimes when dix are kickin' your sack for asking.

    Personally, I got nothing but good things to say about new riders that are willing to take the risks to ride the roads these days......traffic and stupidity tend to roll hand in hand everywhere we go, but to have the nuts to face it on a bike is real love for the sport. The more of us that ride, the more middle fingers for dumb cagers!!

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  7. I remember learning in the dirt as a kid and how fun it was, then I started riding with others and it was even more fun because it tested me to the next level - same on the street, wasnt much "learning to ride" involved since I'd already had many years experience in the dirt but pack riding amplified the fun factor there again - the experience of man and motorcycle is great, yet even better when there's buddies to share the experience - I love to ride, since I was a kid its captivated my attention. 27 years later, and I still cant beat the feeling......on and off the track:D

  8. Continued R&D work on electric sportbikes is looking up, they're getting good power out of them so far - once they get further in development and are proven on the racetrack, they'll probably consider the consumer marketplace as long as the price range is comparable - til then, I'm sittin' tight

  9. Never know, get the proper jetting from the VFR forum for your setup and that would put you close - dyno before and after the jet swap to see the difference and you may be able to fine tune the rest out with the airscrews? Vtwins "should" be simpler to synch than an inline rack so you might surprise yourself. Run her lean too much and you risk burning sh*t up

  10. Beautiful home and nice neighborhood..........amazingly enough, your bath with the seperate shower and tub, with double vanity is exactly what I'm building for my basement master suite -- what's your bathroom measuring? Mine will be 12'0" X 15'6"

  11. FastTrax north of Lancaster is decent, but small.......we went to Richland's Furnace ( Chilicothe )a while back and it's a blast.......1500 acres of hills, trails, small doubles, big long straights to burn fuel and practice getting up ( we crashed a lot ;))

  12. The Wooden Shoe Inn downtown Minster on our way north to Lake St. Mary's pub or the island at Indian Lake.......they got a mean half-a-chicken basket with taters if you enjoy heartburn!! Good old deep-fried poop waitin' to happen, so beware if your riding much afterwards!! It's like chinese food, you don't eat it.......you rent it.

  13. I thought after a salvaged bike was repaired, it could be inspected and deemed clean again? Maybe I'm wrong, but sure I've heard something along those lines......then again, maybe I was high? :):):)

    I'd buy a salvage titled bike if it were to be a track weapon - but I'm partial to sport not cruisin' just yet.

    Salvage bikes are normally cheaper to buy though - and may be cheaper to insure as well?

  14. There was a rumor circulating at one point that New Jersey Motorsports Park was being considered as the secondary American round.

    I think that's a pipe-dream, but if they linked "Thunderbolt" and "Lightning" together into a 4+ mile circuit, it could happen.

    I don't envy Dorna's decision here. They HAVE to ride at that Texas track - it's immaculate and was designed for F1 and Moto GP... But Laguna has the corkscrew, and so much history, they will catch hell for removing it from the schedule (if it ever comes to that).

    ...I'd go to Texas for a GP race, I guess.

    Jersey would be an acceptable alternative, but still a good distance from me........just spoiled since Indy was added and I can get there in a couple hours. Laguna is a prime track to have on the GP series, and what about Miller in Toole? It may be just as flat as Indy's infield though........The best thing they could do is add MIDOHIO!! THAT would be ABSOLUTELY AWESOME!!!!!

  15. If Indy gets shutout, and they don't pickup a mid-west to east coast park - I won't be attending another GP race for a looooong time :(

    ::edit:: Why wouldn't they look into Atlanta? Or Daytona? Why's the mid-west and west coast get all the attention??

  16. Wow, didnt think the 207s were even available anymore - weren't those diso'd back in '05/'06?

    I'd get the Dunlop Roadsmart rear tire, I just put a set on my bike this past fall and being a dual-compound the center holds up better for higher hp bikes and the pattern is similar too if that matters to ya

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