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Everything posted by bendougcarl

  1. if anyone wants to meet me in marion i will be at the meijers gas station on st.rt95/marion mt.gilead rd. just off of 23 North at 9 a.m. ill wait till 9:15 or so then headin to fredericktown
  2. danballa if you and gsxr07 wanna meet up somewhere and head to marion the three of us could head to fredtown and meet with bertman...If that works for the 2 of you?? or if there is something easier doesnt matter jus tryin to get as many people people ridin as possible.....what time you wanting to meet in fredericktown bert???
  3. dont know the area to well...i know how to get to fredericktown thats bout it...i think there is a big gas station at 13 and 95 maybe?? may be a good spot to meet up..
  4. not working tomorrow and im down for mohican.
  5. i wanna ride but dont wanna go clear to reynoldsburg at 8a.m. short notice but lets make somethin happen tryin to stay somewhat local from delaware to mt.vernon maybe??
  6. bendougcarl


    From the album: 99 r1

  7. bendougcarl


    From the album: 99 r1

  8. bendougcarl


    From the album: 99 r1

  9. bendougcarl


    From the album: 99 r1

  10. bendougcarl


    From the album: 99 r1

  11. bendougcarl


    From the album: 99 r1

  12. bendougcarl

    99 r1

  13. davisw4089....im free on the weekends if you not workin ill ride down with you... thats a haul from marion just to get there
  14. we need to getta ride scheduled looks like plenty o people in the area... getting tired of riding alone!!
  15. old lady came left o center on me...piped her and she bout had a heartattack
  16. been ridin for a year now and have only done solo rides...
  17. im in the marion area usually ride on weekends alot
  18. ridin for a couple hours around delaware marion area....
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