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Notorious Gib

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Everything posted by Notorious Gib

  1. Integrated tail light,brake light, turn signals and plate holder! Cleans up the rear end nicely!
  2. If you are familar with the forum total ruckus. I pretty much have everything that MNNTHBX has created for these scooters. Dingle Berry(license plate holder) Turtle Head (tail light) CRV (open primary cover) Cloud nine( cusioned seat frame with shock) Mountain bike handle bars some green led under glow here is a link to everything he offers. http://totalruckus.com/phpBB3/viewforum.php?f=124
  3. Hey thanks for the scooter love!
  4. Not quite sure how to attach a pic but this will have to due.
  5. I have recently joined via invite from Carwhore. I hooked him up with a tail light for his Husky. He posted a thread about it. if you ride a husky you should check it out. I ride a modified Honda Ruckus and have enjoyed that thing just as much as anything I have owned. What it lacks in speed it more then makes up for in style and all out goofy fun. I am new to the whole forum thing as soon as I figure out how to post a pic I'll show you all my ride.
  6. Hey carwhore thanks for that post! It looks great glad you got it figured out.
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