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Posts posted by Jamez

  1. picture.php?albumid=1256&pictureid=14116

    I just picked up another pair of Adidas Adiracers.

    The are the most durable, most comfortable, coolest looking sneakers I've ever bought.

    I have multiple pairs in multiple colors. Only problem is that the do not make/sell them any longer so they must be purchased online. The color schemes therefore have been dramitically reduced but there's still quite a few out there.

    They fit the exact same as the Adidas Adispeed trainers that are in stores now but the Goodyears are way cooler.

    I strongly recommend them

    Any other sneaker recommendations, post em

  2. Compare it to other cylinders, 90psi sounds about right but I don't know specs.

    While your at it might as well do a leakdown check as well. Again compare all the cylinders.

    It should be pretty obvious if one has a problem.

    Good luck man

  3. I'm an average rider and have no plans for track riding.

    That being said as long as I stick with the major manufacturers ( metzler, michelin, dunlop, pirelli, bridgestone ) I should be fine.

    I don't believe that I have the skills or will have the skill in the near future to outride my tires so I don't need " the best tires" like everyone else asks. I believe lots of people never actually come near what a tire can handle. I'm realistic and honest so here's what I'm looking for.

    I'm strictly street but enjoy twisties

    I do plan to ride in the rain

    I don't care about price

    I currently have pilot powers and have no issues with them aside from them being nearly worn out.

    I really want a badass tread design, thanks

    I have looked at tires online but most of the pictures of the tires are kinda crappy.

    Mabe I can get a couple decent pics of the tires on ur bikes

  4. I have heard of it. I just know of a couple people who will take this and run with it. Nothing against you, jussayin'

    I figure its an innocent enough question. Ill happily admit that I'm not ready to drag knees and probably will never ride to the bikes potential. It'd just be nice to see what my ride looks like.

  5. Ever hear of anything like this?

    I'm not quite at the point of dragging knees yet, I'm just curious as to how far in I'm getting.

    I'm not trying to be a badass, I just thought it'd be fun to see where I'm at

  6. I wasn't really sure where to ask this so I stuck it here,

    I have a favorite road that I ride alot so I know the curves pretty well. Sometimes after the ride I check my rear tire to see if I can notice my lean angle on some of the turns. Problem is that my tires have a good amount of miles on them and I really can't tell any new scuffing.

    Can I rub a light coating of chalk on the tires to see how far over I'm getting or will this make the tire slick? Ever hear of anyone doing anything like this or something besides chalk?


  7. Get suede interior. Also get 22 inch daytons and light up fuzzy dice for the rearview mirror. While you at it get candy green apple paint and 18s for the trunk.

    Top it off with alligator shoes and a nice baby blue suede suit for you

  8. 1) Name is James, obviously but the tag "James" was already taken

    2) I'm 30 but everyone thinks I'm much younger and I'm ok with that. It affords me more opportunity to act immaturely.

    3) I'm a diagnostic technician for a luxury car maker

    4) I've dated my wife since I was 16 years old but if I was to meet Alison Stokke id marry her in a second.

    5) I've won multiple awards and scholarships for creative writing and want to write a book but can't figure out a reason why I haven't besides laziness and nothing to write about.

    6) I'm a t-shirt guy and hate seeing people in the 2 button striped collared shirts when I'm in public

    7) tomatoes and strawberries are the only foods that I hate

    8) I'm always thinking about things to invent but so far have not acted on anything.

    9) I've purchased the same shoes for 8 years straight. Adidas Adiracers in multiple colors. Just bought a new pair from Zappos 6/25

    10) my favorite show is Destination Truth and I believe in bigfoot and ghosts and aliens and yes I'm a dork

  9. Normally I would agree with that. But all freeways now experience the astounding act of driving the wrong way. And that really is noticed as something new, that didn't exist when freeways were invented and built. I think I'll blame it on a recent rise in the rate of drugs booze and stupidity while driving.

    There is a flaw in the people.

    I have to agree there.

  10. So the TT is in excellent mechanical shape but its age is showing in the paint.

    I was thinking about painting it this winter. My buddy is a auto body painter at an amazing shop; so will do the bike pretty cheap.

    Is it even worth it?

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