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Posts posted by Jamez

  1. Don't worry about it, its scrap not gold flakes. Trust me they don't care.

    Usually they have you dump out the bags into a bin and weigh the whole bin

    Don't try anything goofy like filling a few cans with lead to up the weight. They have been processing scrap for a long time and chances are they have seen everything. They know what a bin of cans roughly weighs.

    * I persoanlly wouldn't even worry about pop cans, they pay roughly 80c/lb but it takes sooo many to make a pound. For the space in the truck go for other stuff. I do scrap cans but I let them pile up for almost a year before I take them in and still only usually get like 25$ for just the cans.

    My favorite thing about going is the people you see there. Its CrAzY! They look like scrapping is their only source of income and they will scrap ANYTHING made of metal that's not bolted down.

    ********** one of my friends works for duke energy ( our electric provider down here ) and he sent me pics of 2 guys that broke into one of dukes sub stations to steal the copper. Well... they got fried bad. Both dead and melted together.

    Send me some rep and your email and ill send you pics, but don't publicise them please

  2. Its pretty easy really

    Clean Aluminum = Aluminum only, no steel or others metals mixed in.

    Example is an aluminum wheel off a car.

    "Dirty" means that it has a mix of metals. Like a stove or washer. Its mostly aluminum but it has steel components.

    "Dirty" stuff pays far less then " clean" stuff.

    Its best to separate the metals as best as possible. If you can easily take something apart to make it clean then it will be beneficial. Obviously a stove is no fun to disassemble so just take the " dirty" pay.

    As far as checking each can with a magnet- you don't have to go that far.

    All pop/beer cans are alumimum and most food cans like corn are steel. Carry a magnet just incase you run into something odd ball. Its pretty easy to tell aluminum from steel once you start to pay attention.

    * copper can be "dirty" too, if its wire and still has the insulation on it then its not clean and pays soooo much less.

    ***be sure to take your ID with you to the scrap yard. Most places require it now

    Hope this helps

  3. I scrap all the time. Its pretty profitable.

    I'm a mechanic so I have access to a lot of scrap and the key is WHAT you scrap.

    Steel breakage is not worth it, usually pays 8c/lb. Clean steel isn't too bad, mabe 20c/lb.

    I really only scrap aluminum. Every few months ill take a small CAR load and usually walk out with over 100.

    Clean aluminum is way better then aluminum breakage. Also Copper is where the real money is.

    Scrap aluminum wheels pay just under clean aluminum and battery vary- either they pay a flat fee of 6$ a battery or by the pound which usually is a few cents more.

    If you can find enough scrap to fill a trailer...trust me you'll be hooked once you get all that cash for nothing.

  4. You can probably get 3k for your TT. Condition, tires, body/paint, miles, and how much you value compared to how much they want, it determine what you'll get for it.

    Also, look/post it on triumphrat, britrider and sites like that. People are sometimes willing to travel a bit to get the rarer bikes... I was.

    Your one of tfhe few people here I've ridden with and have seen my bike but 3K seems

    CrAzY. I picked it up off a real good friend for 1200:waaa:

    I have replaced battery, tires, repainted a few small things, speedo sensor, plugs, oil, fender eliminator and integrated taillight but that's about it.

    if I got 2500, id still be making a huge profit

  5. Wow, good deal.

    Yes I'm a dork and actually have priced crap like that to go ghost hunting only to realize that I'm too poor to search for anything besides a winning lottery ticket.

    Seriously though I love that type of stuff and so does the wifey. We really want to head down to Waverly Hills Sanitorium in KY ( like 2 1/2 hours away ) to get the bajeesus scared out of us.

    We've already been to the old Mansfield State Reformatory where they filmed Shawshank Redemption and it was awesome.that was mabe 5 years ago but I heard they no longer offer ghost tours. Don't know if that's true or not

  6. Got that fuel pressure issue sorted?

    That's this winter and I don't think its a big deal. Doesn't effect the bikes running.

    Like I said, I'm not ready to sell, just kicking the idea around a lil.


    I think someone should create a thread dedicated to all the most rediculous craigslist ads for bikes. Updated everytime someone finds a "gem" on the list from all over Ohio. That's definately a thread id read a lot!

  7. I know this is an old thread-

    Unless its a AGM battery which is better suited to deep cycle, if you ever read 6V from a battery it needs replaced not charged. A deep discharge will significantly lower the life and damage a lead acid battery.

    It may accept a charge and might work for a little while but its definately on borrowed time

  8. So I've been trolling the Motorcycle ads on craigslist for many months. Its kinda fun to see what people are selling.

    I did notice however that everyone wants SOOOOO much money for what equates to 2 wheeled dumpsters. There is occasionally a good deal or a nice bike but the majority of the ads are

    Usually something like:

    1974 Honda 550K

    Does not run, hole in motor

    Frame bent

    No title

    Sweet deal! Only 1000!

    Now I understand that people leave room to "negotiate" but cmon. I also get that prices are higher due to riding season but KBB motorcycle disagrees with 99% of the ads.

    Try it, go on craigslist and take a gander real quick.

    * I have been kicking around the idea of possibly selling my TT and saving up this winter to plop cash down on a daytona 675, realistically what could I mabe expect from my bike?

    I'm not for sure ready to sell but curiousity is killing the cat.

    New oil, new tires, new battery, good shape, clear title. It has been cosmetically layed down from previous owner but not bad at all. Can't tell besides some light scratches and a scuffed frame slider

  9. That IS a pretty powerful and personal story. Thanks a lot for sharing.

    Its very sad because he was your friend but you can't live for other people, they make their own choices. All we can do is learn from their mistakes and celebrate their lives.

    - doesn't quite get as personal as your story but a friend of mine Josh Moore was riding an ATV about a year ago without a helmet. He wrecked and spent a week in the hospital in a coma from head trauma. After a week in a coma he passed away at the age of 19. Noone could even tell them they loved him or goodbye.

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