ALSO COPS ALL OVER I-35 There is a cruise-in that used to be at K-Mart by the Greene has been moved to the parking lot of the new motorcycle shop (The Dragon? - or at least when I seen a sign on it a few months ago - At the old Ford dealership in Beavercreek) off of 35 at the North Fairfeild rd exit.,+Beavercreek,+Ohio&ie=UTF-8&hq=&hnear=0x88409b0eaac1ac3f:0xcba65a21276b47d6,Seajay+Dr,+Beavercreek,+OH&gl=us&ei=mjrFT_qFIOSK2wXk6dH0AQ&oi=geocode_result&ved=0CAoQ8gEwAA ALSO COPS ALL OVER I-35 The cruise-in is mostly old Hotride and some young Ricers. ALSO COPS ALL OVER I-35 (If you didnt read it for the 3rd time)