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Everything posted by Wiltface

  1. I'm just looking to see how many members live in the far north east. To start it off I live in bula.
  2. Kids these days:slap: lol
  3. Imo, MW2 was bad ass and BO was an epic fail. I hope they redeem themselfs with MW3. and Iv never played any of the Battlefield games.
  4. My bad I'm using my phone and I posted that before I realized this was a 3pg thread
  5. Could it be the wheel barring itself? I would take the calipers off and see if the drag is still there
  6. i got u a weekend get away with herb
  7. Yea so u all can blame Duane for my presents here. Haha
  8. 05 silverado crew cab 99 F-150 "slammed"
  9. 05 silverado crew cab 99 F-150 "slammed"
  10. We just got married about a month ago and we have a 1yr old and a crazy 3yr old and she things I need 2 spend time at home with the kids and her ask the time lol
  11. Hell yea. I try to ride every chance I get but is hard when u have a wife that bitches everytime I sit on the damn thing just bc I'm leaving her alone with the kids lol
  12. Hello everyone, I just thought I would introduce myself, my names Jon and I live in Ashtabula Ohio. I ride a 06 GSX-R600, I just bought it at the end of last season bone stock. Since then iv put an Akro skip on, PCV, ASV levers, HID's and PP 2ct tires. I bought my bike with 922 miles on it and it has about 1430 now. I don't consider myself to be an experienced rider but I did take the Motorcycle Ohio Basic Rider Course, and I do respect my bike. Anyways, Im looking forward to this riding season and possibly riding with you "Ohio Riders"
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