If op was talking about a firestorm situation like in the newest Die Hard, i know there's better material to reference but its well known, its highly unlikely to happen. A virus created by even a super genius is still flawed, why, it can't think the way the creator thought so once its done with its original objective who says its going to stop or who says its not going to get confused and go rogue?
Anyways if it were to happen all i would do is get together with people and rob those who have more supply then me but less firepower, stupid gun critics. What would work is getting America together and go after, once again, a less gun happy country. There is no better time to take control of a country then when its already in panic.
Last option? accept you pending doom and get a hold of all the meth, crack, heroin, and puppies you can and smoke them in that order, you'll figure a way to smoke puppies once your good and out of everything else.