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Posts posted by Ringo

  1. Most people on here DON'T DRINK AND RIDE...... FYI

    I would hope none of us drink and ride. Bike nights with sport bikes usually arent about getting drunk, just figured itd be cool to meet up have a drink (one) check out the bikes then leave. one beer over 2-3 hours is not what i consider drinking and riding. :wtf:

  2. Was talking to the owner of sloppy donkey last night, a bar on high street that a couple of us local at. He said that if i can get a decent number of people to ride out we can get spots for like 20-30 bikes and get 1 dollar wells and probably some other specials.

    Just wondering how many people would be interested. There isnt really any decent bike nights downtown that i know of. I think this would be a good time and we can get good drink specials :).

  3. Doncha hate beer snobs? Buddy of mine won't drink anything that doesn't pour from the bottle like cold syrup.

    If you like it, drink it, but stop giving me crap because I don't want an aftertaste like morning breath. Dark beers are fine, but after mowing the lawn, just gimme something I can see through.

    Its just beer. Wanna be a snob? Drink wine.

    Completely agree with the after mowing or (breaking a sweat on a hot day).

    But you would be suprised how many wine snobs cant even tell the difference between white and red wine when they are blindfolded,its hilarious, there was a study on it i need to find it lol.

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