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Posts posted by Ringo

  1. Nope just kindly not responding because no matter what i say you try and find something that makes me look like a liar or negative. In the end of the day you are an imature admin that has to post on other forums after he wrongfully bans people off of his own forums.


    Just because you have a bandwagon of people following you doesnt make you cool sorry bro.


    /end thread


    if you respond you are and will ever be my pawn.

  2. If anyone thinks Im only abusing my power because Im an admin meet me in real life and I'll smack you with your moms favorite dildo and call you a cheeky cunt sandwich sonuvabitch




    first post ive ever seen by v8 beast and i say hes the winner.


    Seriosly i leave for a week and come back and there is still threads about me ? Get real...

    • Downvote 1
  3. Well an upstanding memeber has put a hault to my e-highlander actions for Ringokid.




    I would give some advice to you Robbie, lay low, lurk, and don't troll. If you fail to take this advice not even Chuck Norris will be able to save you.


    Robby :( i already said i would.

  4. He is still here because people wanted a toy to play with this winter. I am going to ban him after he crosses the line one more time.


    Trolling to be cool is about as cool as trolling for AIDS filled animals to sex.


    i dont troll to be cool i troll cause its fun, but like i said by this post im done. :)

  5. What happened to you ringo?? I said I'll be out around midnight? Why are you so fat? Why are you so annoying? Why are you still Here?


    I posted on the other thread dont act like you didnt see it because you pussed out of comming to both places...

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