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Posts posted by Ringo

  1. Ive been studying for a math midterm i forgot engrish like 12 hours ago.

    Nah my grammer is horrible i make stupid mistakes so often i dont even think about them.

    If i really try hard i can manage to through out a few good lines here and there.

  2. So you out ran either a 16 year old girl or a high school football player that thinks he has the worlds fastest car (that accounts for 95 percent of mustang owners) that would be lucky to make a 15 second pass. I think I missed the point of the story. I almost would have been impressed had you got off the bike spun around and beat him sitting backwards

    Well you didnt let me finish the story. Thats what happened at the next light.

  3. A www thanks

    If you have almost been hit 3 times it was probably your own damn fault. I almost took out the front end of two Bentleys who decided they were going to pull out in front of me. Oh and fallow pedestrian and bicycle laws and you won't have any issues. At least we arent COTA, they will run your ass over with no hessitation, we are to lazy to fill out the paper work.

    Bullshit. I was just tootin along in my own lane with my own horn and woof cut me off, i was almost laying down in the other side of traffic.

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