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Posts posted by TheBrown57

  1. My personal record

    4 chipotle burritos

    under an hour

    Taco bell record

    5 soft tacos

    5 chicken quesadillas

    5 crunch wrap supremes

    under 1 hour

    Wendy's (worked there for 3 years)

    I can eat just bout anything from there in mass amounts

    Have made an eaten a quadruple

    Normal order

    1 asiago chicken

    2 crispy chicken

    1 baconator

    1 large fri

  2. I use my Droid incredible as everything. I don't think I would need to buy a tablet or iPad when it is just like a oversized ipod touch

    My gf has the incredible 2 and that thing has shit for battery life compared to my iPhone :dunno:

    she loves haveing a smart phone but misses the 5 day battery life she would get outta her LG Dare

  3. Actually I did, and of course I jest. Unless you really are an Apple fan....then my statement holds true.


    Far from a fanboy lol I like the iPhone hate Macs unless I'm doing video or photo editing which is never so ill stick with a pc that's 2x as powerful for a fraction of the cost of a Mac :D

    Also paid $200 for my iPhone with upgrade and yes $300 for android but it was $100 off of the original price thanks to Casper's staples coupon :)

    Posted from my iPhone 4 :D

  4. My girlfriends parents are not afraid but want them to be locked up that's y all my cases have locks on them and the soft bags that can have a lock have gun locks on the gun inside and ammo is kept in a box way up high where the niece and nephew can't reach. Also I have the keys and my girlfriend has the matching keys to all the locks. Saving up for a gun safe :D

  5. or just buy a real smoke bomb and strap it to your bike. Light and burn out, smoke mixes with tire smoke and even continues while you ride away in glory depending on the duration of the smoke bomb

  6. 1995 I was at an open house for a friend of a friend when her jealous boyfriend pulled a gun and put it to my head and said he was going to shoot me because he heard I liked his girl (who I had never met until this day) I informed him that he had 10 seconds to shoot me before I blew his balls off. He looked down and saw I had a gun pointed at his crotch. He started crying and yelling whoa bro whoa don't shoot don't shoot it's not loaded and he dropped the mag out of his gun there was not one shell in it. He no longer owned a gun.

    1995 I was running a beer distributor in PA it was in an old service station building we had two overhead doors and a man door. I had turned the lights off and left the overhead doors open because it was hot. I was sitting in the office counting the money so I could go make a cash drop. I looked up and two guys were standing in front of the office window looking at me. I drew my gun and placed it on the counter in front of me and went back to counting the money. They did not stay. Three nights later someone broke in and stole 3 cases of beer.


    I like the way you operate

  7. I'll have to double check on the bag to see if I can find a tag. 200 degrees? Do you bake it when you do it?? And how much do you want to dye it for me?

    no the water gets up 195 degrees for more than 45 min wont stay that temp with our washers all the time but occasionally don't want to accidentally melt something. pay for shipping here and back no charge for the work :D

  8. just recently had my friend with his CCW (i plan on getting one once saving has increased) meet me at my girlfriends work cause she text me she thought they might get robbed after closing time and there was one guy that came around a corner seen both of us sitting outside the only door and then turn around and went back the way he came. West side of Hamilton at the Brookwood shopping plaza.

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