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Posts posted by TheBrown57

  1. Around me Douche bag refers to crotch rockets, Imports, 1980 and newer mustangs/camero,firebirds, and any high school kid with their parents car or one their parents bought them... spoiled pricks

    I do shake my head at any rider with out at the min Helmet, Jeans, Leather boots and glasses/goggles cause that what I wear when its hot and a leather jacket when its not. I try not to be a hypocrite

  2. I hate the lack of turn signals everywhere I go! I use mine even if im going to turn down a parking lane at the mall or wally world. I consider my self a pretty good driver and I think everyone else in general sucks around middletown- tri county area. I give ample room when i merge and signal before hand, wait till im out of an intersection to change lanes as well. I speed like i stole it some times but if Im going 5-15 over and i catch up behind a car going the speed limit i slow down and give 2 car spaces if they are driving 5 under im on their ass lol. I let people over if they turn on a turn signal and look towards me in their mirror and I like a wave for it too ( dont get it all that much) but if I see some f*cker flying up on the right to get in the left cause the road ends or something F*ck them they have to wait. My biggest thing is turn signals and texting/ messing with something and not looking at the road. yes I text while in a car but only at COMPLETE stops otherwise I wait or dictate to the passenger what to send back if anything.

  3. I feel the need to share the story of my Great Uncle Ulyess V. Brown or Uncle Bo.

    He passed away some time this morning and was a very decorated Korean and Vietnam Veteran. He was the most decorated Veteran in Campbell County where he will be buried in Tennessee. There is more information in the attached pictures. I had the great respect for this man and for all veterans and I feel like we lost a Hero today. He is better off now as he was battling with Alzheimer and now can be at peace. Even with his memory loss he had the military in him no matter what, when one of my other great uncles (also military) passed and during the funeral once they started playing taps Bo (at this time cant remember me and is in a home) stands up and salutes without any one telling him he just knew. He set a world record for the highest helicopter lift


    And was a personal pilot to General Creighton W. Abrams during Vietnam.






  4. enjoyed telling my step dad "I couldn find a card so I got you this 25lb bag of peanuts for the campground :D" (seriously walmart has one isle dedicated to fathers day cards with only 2 step dad cards that are too sentimental for me and my step dad) called my dad (in ky) talked to him, took my 2 brothers to KI to get them outta the step dads house for some peace and quite.

  5. for charity no less.

    Call me crazy, but I can't believe anyone from the cast of Jackass had or has any illusions of growing old and dying peacefully.

    Dunn may have checked-out a bit earlier than he and his friends planned, but in a weird way, it seems like this is what he would have wanted. Good party, and a blaze of glory. I'm not a big Metallica fan, but don't they have a song that says "my lifestyle determines my death-style?"

    He'll be missed by many, which says a lot more about him than the way he died.


    I seen him on Min to win it and yes Frantic by Metallica has those lyrics in it

  6. That red is a lot closer than what I thought they came in (looks very similar to mine - thought they were more of a red/orangish). Whoops. Noted. But yeah, Ninja seems to be the term a lot of people use. I typically have to say Yamaha every time I tell someone I have a bike cause hardly anyone knows what I'm talking about if I just say R1.

    That's how it was for me until I actually started riding and learned there are different sport bikes besides Ninjas lol

  7. today me and my dad went for a ride and my dad almost hit a dog

    there is a dog on my street that always comes running from its house when you ride by but the house is over 100 yards off the street and it never goes out in the street but stops around 3 ft from it but it has this look of "Play with me!!!!" lol also had a pug run out at me and chase me down the road once it was fun to make it play catch up :p lost interest and went back home eventually

  8. So now I've moved them to a more secure location, they are louder here, too.


    Are those Shark Audio speakers? They look a lot like the ones I had on my bike mine were chrome with 150w amp those things get loud regardless of where you put them lol

    Nice set up btw

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