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Everything posted by TheBrown57

  1. I have a friend who is on here that is in the market. I will definitely show this to him. Wish my 9 had the white like yours does. GLWS
  2. Idk about those but my Interphone F4 cuts out the music and starts ringing for me to answer if my friend is radioing me. The Interphone works as a open channel, you can talk over each other and it only ends when you push the button.
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ArP3D_LX5w
  4. I need to do this to my friends house especially since the Skylight is over the bathroom XD
  5. Now its a party! Ok next challenge: In front of a lazer tag place or somewhere that has lazer tag (Scene 75 as example)
  6. Quikaccord --- 3 Gunner75 --- 2 jgetz524 --- 1 Koreo --- 1 List of Completed Challenges ****Be sure to check the list before posting the next challenge**** https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PW9g2Glao_AXxyUQfZLWLxK2JHsneD3cBxZmHxZm9ms/edit?usp=sharing
  7. On my way back there was only a tow truck and a Officer. She appeared fine and was up and walking around. It was a newer car and the impact was mainly on the front left tire well at about 40-50mph. This was on 71S right before 275.
  8. Just witnessed a car accident on the highway, damn female drivers. She went to merge to her right and didn't check her blind spot and almost merged into another car which avoided her but she over corrected back into her lane and lost control straight into the barrier wall. Almost hit me but I was far enough back and paying attention so I just slowed down and watched it all unfold.
  9. Quikaccord --- 3 Gunner75 --- 1 jgetz524 --- 1 List of Completed Challenges ****Be sure to check the list before posting the next challenge**** https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PW9g2Glao_AXxyUQfZLWLxK2JHsneD3cBxZmHxZm9ms/edit?usp=sharing
  10. If not I'm taking a detour on my way home to get this
  11. Not going to lie I think my friend did this since he works at the Domino's this was taken at
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