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Posts posted by FIJI-9-Brother

  1. Don't get me wrong I love getting to kershockton and hocking and other fun roads in Ohio, however, I don't have time to make those 170 mile trips on a regular basis and I'm not going to sit around and wait for them to manifest every month like the csba rides (awesome btw). Ill ride pretty much whenever to wherever so I guess I don't get the whole, its boring to ride this and that thing.

  2. some of you sound like old ladies, blah blah blah, those roads aren't good enough for me and my bike and such... I don't ride for any "type" of road, I ride because it make me happy, end of story. I'd make that 270 loop with you some morning if you organize something.

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  3. if she wants to do it you are not paying for it, thats kinda how my parents did it, so if we wanted to do something that wasn't unsafe but my parents didn't want to support it they would say "we aren't against you doing that however it's not something we are going to help you with" i'd say about half the time my brother and I didn't go beyond that point.

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