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Posts posted by FIJI-9-Brother

  1. Perfect place to tell my story from the CSBA Ride from 8/21. So it was on 260 (right hutch?) and left turn with drop in elevation. First time on these roads and I felt like I was carrying too much speed into the corner (probably not though) and I panicked and barely squeezed the front brake. I'm sure anyone could write what happened next... Bike stopped turning for a moment, went straight into the rock bed on the right side of the road and the front tire turned, dug in, and dumped the bike and me over the handlebars. I cussed, made sure nothing was broken and lifted the bike up and it started right up thanks goodness. 2 of the guys came back to make sure I was ok and off we went. Replaced the broken turn signal and thats really the only "broken" piece on the bike. Scratched to shit but its all good.

    That's my story.

    It's been something reading all these for sure... (this should probably go into into a wreck thread if one exists... mods?)

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